Feel good with heat from electricity - www.technotherm.de
Installa� on and opera� ng instruc� ons for storage hea� ng
Feel good with heat from electricity - www.technotherm.de
Remove the four screws from the inner front pa-
nel and
remove the panel itself. Be very
careful not to damage the fragile insula� on a� a-
ched to the rear of the panel.
Having removed the card holding the hea� ng ele-
ments in posi� on, the core bricks are then put into
the heater, star� ng with the bo� om row. To facili-
tate this, li� the hea� ng element up slightly.
The fi rst brick is put into the core on the le� -hand
side ...
... then slid across to the right.
The second brick is then set on the far le� of the
core and the remaining bricks in the middle.
This is repeated un� l all the bricks have been in-