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Lucent Technologies – Proprietary
See notice on first page
FOA Draft Issue 1
January, 2006
Reason for reissue
This is FOA Draft Issue 1 of the Flexent Modular Cell 4.0B Outdoor
Cabinet Installation Manual, document number 401-703-454. This
issue incorporates information that was formerly included in the
Flexent Modular Cell 4.0/4.0B Outdoor Cabinet Installation Manual,
document number 401-703-414. This issue also incorporates the
following new information available as of January, 2006:
New 4.0B cabinet configurations:
4.0B PCS Dual Band G-2 cabinet installation with existing
primary and G1 Legacy cabinets
4.0B PCS Dual Band G-3 cabinet installation with existing
primary, G1 and G2 Legacy cabinets
4.0B PCS cabinet, four to six sectors added
Increase in PCS carriers available in a 4.0B dual band cabinet to
eleven total.
Addition of installation instructions for the dual band integrated
power alarm cable
4.0B Heat exchanger and solar shield table revised
RF cable routing and connection added between a 4.0B PCS Dual
Band G-2 or G-3 cabinet and existing Legacy cabinets
Revisions to Appendix B to add an additional DC cable for
cabinets with an A6 shelf
The following significant changes have been made since the release of
Issue 8.0 of document 401-703-414:
Significant changes from last issue
In Chapter 1:
Miscellaneous line-up and carrier changes and clarifications
New 4.0B line-up configurations added (see above list).
Refer to
Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets
on Page 1 - 8 and
Flexent Modular Cell 4.0B site descriptions (typical)
on Page 1 -