Lucent Technologies 1200A 24V ECS Battery Plant J85500E-2
Issue 7 October 1998
Engineering, Planning, and Ordering 3 - 33
(5D) Wiring Options. If portions of the wiring are connected
differently among the Lists, those differences are indicated by
T-drawing Wiring Options.
(5E) Apparatus Options. When circuit components differ from
one List to another, these differences are indicated by Apparatus
Options on the T-drawing.
(6) Table C. This table cross-references the schematic (SD) and
wiring diagram (T).
(7) Table D. This table provides a list of all associated
drawings, such as other J-, ED- or H-coded equipment that must
be ordered separately. Drawings which are required for
engineering or manufacturing but are not necessary for
installation are indicated by an equals-sign (=).
(8) Manufacturing Notes and Symbols. Notes that apply to
factory and/or field assembly are listed as Manufacturing Notes
and are numbered from 1 to 50. The first several notes define
standard symbols used on the assembly views and in the stocklist
to indicate stamping and factory packaging methods. Additional
manufacturing notes are specific to each J-drawing. All
manufacturing notes should be read and understood by
engineering, as well as installation, since they may include
important installation details that the engineer must plan for.
(9) Engineering Notes. For engineering, the second most
important part of the J-drawing, after Table A, is the Engineering
Notes section. These notes, starting at Note 51, provide such
information as:
Restrictions on List combinations
Additional job-specific hardware that must be ordered
Product manual references
Numbering conventions for panel positions
(10) Other tables. Other non-standard tables may appear on the
J-drawing to provide additional engineering, manufacturing
and/or installation information. Each table should be referenced
from an engineering or manufacturing note on the drawing.
(11) Change Notes. Change or Revision Notes chronicle, in
very abbreviated form, the history of drawing reissues and the
associated changes, such as additional Lists, modifications to
assembly views, clerical error corrections and part number