6.1Firmware Upgrades
steps below to implement the upgrades:
models. In other word, an upgrade for Model Ltl-5511M only applies to this model. If
a camera is accidently upgraded by a non-compatible program, it will quit working
and needs to be sent back for repair. This issue is not covered under warranty.
Copy the two files to the root directory of the SD card, put the card switch to the
“LOCK” position after copy completed, as shown in the picture:
( Inquire the national distributor if there is an upgrade available
and where to download it. )
Insert the SD card into camera in the OFF mode, switch the camera to the TEST
mode after camera is powered on,
would be shown on the
TFT screen, then the screen would be black after about 18s, means upgrade
successfully.(Attention: pls keep the camera being powered on, or the camera
need to be disassembled and upgraded.)
Unlock the SD card after upgrade completed,
Install batteries and the SD card .
Back up SD card comtents. Format SD card on cmera.
Retrieve the SD card and plug it in your computer (SD card reader may needed).
Re-format the SD card on the camera.