L-IP User Manual
Version 6.1
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
13.4 TP-1250 port does not work
Messages are not forwarded to or from the TP-1250 port(s). All other ports work properly.
This problem might be due to mixing backbone mode and non-backbone mode devices on
one channel.
If the TP-1250 channel is used in backbone mode make sure all devices on the network
have backbone mode enabled, only L-IP or L-Switch devices are connected to this
backbone and every L-IP/L-Switch has a unique station ID set.
If the TP-1250 channel is not used in backbone mode make sure that all L-IP and L-Switch
devices on that channel have the backbone mode disabled.
13.5 CEA-709 Activity LED is flashing red
The CEA-709 activity LED is flashing red whenever there is traffic on the channel (instead
of green).
The L-IP has a built-in network analysis functionality (see Section 4.4.10): Whenever it
detects a potential problem on one port, the activity LED will change its color to red.
Most likely this behavior is due to a wiring problem. Check the wiring and termination of
the network connected to the affected port. If this does not solve your problem use a
protocol analyzer (e.g. LOYTEC’s LPA) and/or a network diagnostics tool (e.g. LOYTEC’s
LSD Tool or Echelon’s Nodeutil) to find the source of the problem.
13.6 The CEA-709 activity LED and the status LED are flashing red
The CEA-709 activity LED and the status LED are flashing red at a rate of approx. once per
second and the L-IP does not forward any messages.
Somehow the primary image was destroyed and the fall-back image was booted (see Section
6). This image does not support forwarding of messages. It only allows downloading a new