L-IP User Manual
Version 6.1
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
Off-line mode
The off-line mode can be used for all operations requiring LNS, that is, to add the device
using the device templates, change the device properties, and create a node list including the
automatic generation of a node list (LNS import). However, no communication with the
device is possible (e.g. to download the node list).
Standalone mode
The L-IP Redundant Plug-In can also be executed as a standalone program. This operation
mode offers least functionality. It allows creating and editing a node list or loading, altering
and saving a configuration file.
9.5.2 Overview
Figure 110 shows the L-IP Redundant Configuration Plug-In. The window is separated in
three main areas:
The view selection allows selecting different configuration and diagnostic pages.
Depending on the selected view the current view area contains different information
(e.g. the node list).
The log window shows different all actions performed by the plug-in and any errors or
warnings messages that occurred.
At the top of the window the toolbar allows selecting different actions depending on the
currently selected view. The standard commands “load”, “save” and “new” are always
possible. “Save” allows storing all configuration data (node list, properties) and the alarm
log to a file, while “load” will restore all this information from a file. The information
shown in the status and in the channel statistics view are not stored.
The “Twin Router Selection” shows the name of the primary and – if present – the
secondary router. The one currently selected is marked. By clicking on the other one the
selection can be changed on the fly.