L-IP User Manual
Version 6.1
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
Please make sure to set the DIP-switches according to Figure 79 as CEA-709 configured
router and reboot the L-IP. If the L-IP is used in smart switch mode simply do not
commission the L-IP.
If the problem still persists please contact LOYTEC support (see Section 13.8).
13.2 L-IP packet routing fails if Channel Timeout is activated
The L-IP stops routing packets if a Channel Timeout >0ms is specified.
Most likely the local clocks are not synchronized and the stale packet detection might drop
all packets received from other L-IPs.
Make sure that a proper Channel Timeout according Table 8 and that at least one SNTP
server is specified for the IP-852 channel. If the L-IP is operated behind a firewall make
sure that the firewall doesn’t block SNTP requests at port 123.
13.3 Default Gateway Address is wrong
The L-IP reports the error “Can’t set default route:” during the boot process.
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
Testing Board ID (0E) Passed
Testing RAM Passed
Testing boot loader Passed
Testing fallback image Passed
Testing primary image Passed
Testing Flash Passed
Loading primary image Passed
Starting application Passed
Port 1 detected (FT-10) Passed
Can’t set default route: Network is unreachable
Starting TCP/IP networking (Timeout) Failed
The default gateway address is set to a wrong address or to an address that doesn’t exist.
In the configuration menu “[5] IP configuration” select item “[4] IP Gateway” and enter a
valid gateway address. Even if you don’t use a gateway enter the gateway address for this
subnet e.g. IP address: => Gateway Address: