L-INX/L-GATE User Manual
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
available. To learn more on how to configure the L-WEB application refer to the LOYTEC
Device User Manual [1].
All previously extended BACnet features and new features have been BTL-certified in the
5.X firmware series. New features include:
BACnet object names can be made writeable. With this new option the user can create
data point configurations with generic object names and assign location-specific names
later in his OWS.
BACnet simple value objects are now supported. The user can create Large Analog
Value, Signed Integer Value, Unsigned Integer Value, Character String Value and Octet
String Value objects as needed. Also auto-connect supports these new object types.
For Trend Log objects, the properties Notify_Type, Event_Enable, Notification_Class
can be pre-configured in the data point configuration.
User-defined Serial Protocols in logiCAD
A new logiCAD service block has been introduced, which allows implementation of generic
serial protocols. The ‘SerialComm’ service block can receive and transmit strings from and
to a serial port using start frame and end frame delimiting characters. A logical bus number
is assigned to the service block, which can be selected as a custom serial protocol on the port
configuration Web UI as shown in Figure 22. Please read Section 8.6.10 to learn more about
using the ‘SerialComm’ block.
Figure 22: Selecting a custom logiCAD serial protocol.
Data Point Creation from CSV Lists
The Configurator implements a new data point template CSV import feature, which can be
used by external tools to generate a list of data points. Each line in this CSV references a data
point template file that describes all properties of the data point. The CSV supplies name,
description and path of the data point to be created. Additionally, data points can be
automatically scheduled and trended. Learn more about data point templates in the LINX
Configurator User Manual [2].
KNX Protocol Analyzer
Devices that support the KNX protocol now have a built-in protocol analyzer. It can be
accessed through the KNX statistics Web interface and allows starting, stopping and storing
protocol logs on any of the KNX interfaces. Protocol logs can be loaded from the device and
stored on the PC either in CSV or in XML format. The XML format can be opened in the
ETS protocol viewer. Learn more about the KNX protocol analyzer in the KNX Chapter of
the LOYTEC Device User Manual [1].