L-INX/L-GATE User Manual
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
1.2 CEA-709.1
L-INX automation server models that have CEA-709 and all L-GATE models are equipped
with an FT port (CEA-709) and a 100Base-T Ethernet port (CEA-852). CEA-709 L-INX
models come with a router option or an RNI option. L-INX models with the router option
contain a CEA-709 router between the FT and the IP-852 channel, which can be configured
like an L-IP. It includes a configuration server (CS) to manage the IP-852 channel. The
L-INX models without the router option contain a remote network interface (RNI) instead of
the router for remote network access. Please refer to Table 1 to learn, which device models
have CEA-709 and the router option.
The CEA-709 L-INX and L-GATE device is fully compliant with ANSI/CEA-709,
ANSI/CEA-852-A, EN 14908. The CEA-709 node, that is going to be commissioned in the
network, is always connected to the FT port of the device.
The function of the CEA-709 node is to expose CEA-709 network variables (NVs) and
configuration properties (CPs) to data points in the automation server or the gateway. The
configuration software can be run as LNS plug-in or stand-alone. The CEA-709 data points
can be bound in the CEA-709 network as NVs or operated as “external NVs”. External NVs
are polled or explicitly written to without allocating static or dynamic NVs on the device. In
this case, address information is supplied by the configuration software by importing e.g., a
CSV file. User-defined network variable types (UNVTs) can be used as dynamic or external
NVs. Configuration properties (CPs) on other devices can be accessed through file transfer.
To transfer CPs, the device supports both the L
file transfer and the read memory
access method. For CPs, the standard SCPTs and user-defined UCPTs are supported. All
those CEA-709 data points can be exposed to the automation server or the gateway.
The CEA-709 L-INX with the router option possesses a router between the CEA-852
interface (IP-852) and the FT interface. The CEA-852 interface can be used to connect the
L-INX to an IP-based high-speed backbone. The L-INX’s router can be used as a standard
CEA-709 configured router or it can be used as a self-learning plug&play router based on the
high-performance, well-proven routing core from our L-Switch plug&play multi-port router
devices (“smart switch mode”). The self-learning router doesn’t need a network management
tool for configuration but is a true plug&play and easy to use IP infrastructure component.
For a detailed description of the CEA-709 router’s usage refer to the L-IP User Manual [8].
The L-GATE and the CEA-709 L-INX without the router option can be configured to run
either on the CEA-852 interface (IP-852 mode) or on the FT interface (FT mode). In the FT
mode, the device provides a remote network interface (RNI), which appears like a LOYTEC
NIC-IP is intended to be used together with the LOYTEC NIC software [3]. The RNI can be
utilized for remote access and configuration as well as trouble-shooting with the remote LPA.
Please consult our product literature for the LPA-IP to learn more about this IP-based
CEA-709 protocol analyzer.
The CEA-709 technology in the L-INX and L-GATE allows for:
Exposing CEA-709 network variables (NVs) and configuration properties (CPs) as data
points to the automation server or gateway,
supporting standard (SNVT, SCPT) and user-defined (UNVT, UCPT) types,
scheduling CEA-709 network variables,
generating alarms over the L
node object,
CEA-709 PC applications (as a CEA-709 network interface),
remote LPA functionality,
communicating on CEA-709 with either FT or IP-852 (IP channel on the