L-INX/L-GATE User Manual
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
that have the same name but are located in different path locations. Alarm logs have also
been updated to support the new maximum legnth. BACnet now supports the Event Message
Texts property of an alarmed object, which allows retrieving the messages also after a reboot
of an alarm client. And analog alarm conditions have been extended to specify a high limit
and a low limit alarm message.
Trend Logs
The generic trend logs have been extended to support recording string values. These trends
can be operated as polled, COV or triggered. These trend logs can be beneficial to record
arbitrary messages The string recording is currently limited to generic trend logs only.
New E-Mail Placeholders
E-Mail configuration has become even more flexible by adding new variable placeholders.
The variable placeholders can be augmented by name, description and path specifiers that
expand to the respective information in the e-mail. A new date format specifier allows for
readable timestamps and the %{last_timestamp} variable expands to the time the last e-mail
was transmitted.
BTL Testplan 12 Certified
The BACnet certification of all BACnet models has been updated to comply with protocol
revision 12. All new device models are now BTL certified.
4.8 New in L-INX/L-GATE 5.3.0
This section describes the major changes and new features. For a full list of changes refer to
the Readme file.
New L-INX and L-GATE Models
The new L-INX and L-GATE models in the small enclosure are now supported. Equipped
with dual Ethernet, a built-in firewall and LCD display, these new models serve as a plug-in
replacement for the older devices. Existing data point configurations and device backups can
be used without modification. Only logiCAD programs need to be re-compiled for the new
hardware resource. In addition, the new models also support L-IOB connect, wireless
technologies and KNX.
Extended Support for U.S. Units
An extended support for U.S. units has been built into LOYTEC devices. A device can now
be configured to run either in the SI or the U.S. unit system by defining SI and U.S. units per
data point as shown in Figure 21. When configured for U.S. units, all data points and L-IOB
I/Os process values in the respective U.S. units. This includes the Web UI, the OPC server,
the parameter file, global connections, and logiCAD programs. Also the Configurator
displays values in U.S. units and conversions are done automatically. A device can even be
switched from one unit system to the other. In this case all persistent parameters are reset to
their default values in the chosen unit system. A system register shows the currently running
unit system. This makes it easy to entirely engineer a device in U.S. units or build devices
that can be configured for either European or U.S. markets and meet local requirements at
the same time. For more information on units please refer to the LINX Configurator User
Manual [2].