Auto Complete, 36
Auto Zoom, 8
Brightness, 28, 29
Calibrate Screen, 29
Cancel Navigation, 23
Contact, 9, 10, 18
Contrast, 28
Cursor, 7, 38, 39
Customize Display, 32
Destinations, 19
Directions List, 17, 32
External Connections
, 4
Find Address, 36
GPS Data File, 32
Icons, 17, 26, 29
Keyboard, 15, 29, 39
Language, 27
Location-POI Information Button, 8
Location Information Screen, 9
Main Menu, 8
Map Mode
, 7
Memory Cards (MMC), 4, 5, 13, 32
Music Mode
, 13
Name Filter, 39
NauticPath, 50
Navigating, 26
Now Playing Box, 14
Options, 17
Overlay Data, 24
Pictures, 16
Play Control Buttons, 14
POI (Point of Interest), 18, 38, 40
Point-to-Point Navigation
, 43
Power, 6
Reset Options, 30
Route, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 31, 32, 33, 39
Routing Options, 31
Safety Mode, 27
Satellites Screen, 33
Screen Calibration, 29
SD card, 4
, 14, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40
Simulator, 33
Sound and Voice Setup, 27
Straight-Line Navigation, 44
Symbols, 10
Touch Screen, 6,
Trail, 26
Transfer Data, 32
Trip Calculator, 18
Turn Preview, 18, 32
Units of Measure, 30
USB-to-PC Cable, 13
Utilities, 18
Keyboard, 35
Visualization Area, 15
Waypoints, 23, 45