Series Operator’s Instruction Manual V1.6
Page 52 of 53
Fill in the required information. Any fields with a red “*” by the side are required and must be
filled in. If, as in the example above, the two password fields do not match, a red warning will
appear at the bottom of the page.
Please note that the email address entered here will be used for the calibration certificate.
Once all
the fields have been filled with the required data, Click “Create User”.
Information about the instrument can now be entered. The Serial Number of the instrument
can be found on the label at the rear of the instrument. The registration code can be found on
the Certificate of Conformity for the instrument.
Please fill in the details of the supplier of the instrument. This allows The Tintometer Ltd, to
inform them of any issues that may arise during the calibration procedure. It will also allow
your local supplier to perform remote diagnostics on the instrument to aid a speedy response
to problems.