In this submenu it is possible to save in a fi le all calibration parameters set in the menu “car confi gura-
This fi le can then be used to confi gure other control units installed on cars of the same model and with
the same type of fuel, METHANE or LPG.
Remark: the selection of the number of cylinders (on the bottom of the window) appears only if the
control unit is not connected to the computer.
If the control unit is connected to the computer, this information is automatically stored.
To save select the brand of the car from the drop menu, if you wish to fi le the confi guration on the spe-
cifi c folder of the brand; specify the “Name of the fi le to be saved” and click on “SAVE”.
By selecting a confi guration from the list of the available ones, it is possible to send by e-mail the fi le
that will be automatically attached to the message.
From this submenu, it is possible to load onto the control unit an already existing confi guration.
The confi guration fi les are contained in two separate folders: one for LPG confi gurations and the other
for the methane confi gurations.
Before loading a confi guration, it is necessary to access “VEHICLE CONFIGURATION” and select un-
der “Fuel type” methane or LPG according to the confi guration that one wishes to load.
The selection of the number of cylinders (on the bottom of the window) appears only if the control unit
is not connected to the computer.
If the control unit is connected to the computer, the lists suggests only the confi gurations available for
the model of control unit automatically recognized.
Select the fi le that you wish to load and click on “LOAD”.