¾ Speed: The Elite console will display the ¾ speed you should
achieve (based on the max speed reached on the first step). Use
the Live MPH reading in the middle of the screen and reduce
speed to match what’s instructed for this step.
½ - ⅛ Speed: Repeat this same process for the remaining speeds,
when finished with the ⅛ Speed stage, the console will inform
that the Auto Cal has completed successfully. Select “Exit & Save”
to exit the screen.
10.0 angle SenSor SeTTingS
The angle sensor can be turned On or Off from this page, by
default it will be On. Use this page to also Set the Zero of the
angle sensor. Simply move the combine to level ground and
select hte “Set Zero” button to zero out the angle sensor, finish by
selecting “Exit & Save”.
11.0 diagnoSTicS
The Diagnostics screen can help in identifying issues with
sensors, harnessing or other items. Status reports for Battery
Voltage, Moisture/Temperature Sensor, Angle Sensor, Yield
Sensor, Speed and more speed are displayed. Contact Loup
Electronics if you need technical support
12.0 diSplay SeTTingS
12.1 bRIgHTNEss
Use the Plus or Minus keys to increase or
decrease the brightness of the screen or the
keypad backlight.
12.2 vOLuME
Use the Plus or Minus keys to increase or
decrease the volume to the desired level.
An audible alarm will sound with each
12.3 uNITs
Toggles between US (feet) or Metric
(meters) units.
12.4 DATE & TIME
To set the time, simply select the related
buttons for Month, Day, Year, Hour and
Minute and enter the appropriate value into
each field. Lastly toggle the time between AM or PM and push
“Save” to complete.