Assembly manual
You will need:
Phillips head screwdriver
Woodworking glue
Damp cloth
Good quality masking tape
Ratchet tie down strap (optional)
Brick or other weight (optional)
Lay the contents of the box out and check you have everything you need to complete the kit
(see parts list on back page). Find a suitable work surface and make sure it won’t be ruined if
you spill some glue. If covering the work surface, avoid using newspaper as newsprint may rub
off onto your kit. Baking paper is a good choice.
Easier assembly with mitres
LSK kits now employ mitre construction, which offers greater ease of assembly with much less
sanding. Butt joints are eliminated, avoiding visible hairline cracks that often appear after
painting. Mitre construction puts the join right on the edge where it is less visible. Most
constructors avoid using mitres due to the difficulty in getting the angles correct. Our
manufacturing process provides a level of accuracy that is very difficult to achieve in a home