Translation of the original instructions
Induction generator
Possible uses: The induction generators can be installed in the cooking hobs of countertop cookers and
ovens and are used for cooking, heating, keeping food warm and roasting
The improper use and handling of the generators cause hazards to people, objects or
animated or non-animated items. It is dangerous not to read and study this installation and
user manual
Safety for personnel assigned to use
Hazards due to electric current must be excluded. The induction generator must be used by qualified
personnel and it must be installed by an authorised professional with respect to the applicable
international, national and regional regulations concerning electrical and electronic equipment for
collective use and civil and industrial electrical systems
The area in glass ceramic is heated by the heat of the pot. To avoid burns, do not touch the heated area.
To avoid excessive overheating, do not leave the pot empty or heat it without a reason. In cooking with
multiple pots at the same time, make sure that the handles do not cross and that they are outside the
induction field. Depending on the type of material, the handles can heat up considerably
Risk of burns
The pots must always have some distance from each other. They must not touch. When you remove the
pot, it is recommended to turn off the cooking area to avoid that if it is put back on the hub inadvertently
the heating system does not turn back on if not required.
Do not place other material (paper, cardboard, fabric etc…) between the pot and the cooking area as it
could catch on fire.
Metal objects heat up very quickly if positioned in the area that is heated, therefore do not place other
objects on the cooker hob (tins, closed cans, aluminium foil, cutlery, rings, keys, watches, etc…) except
for the pots.
Persons with pacemakers must consult their doctor to check if they can stay near a cooker hob with an
induction generator.
Never place credit cards, telephone cards, cassettes or other magnetic objects on the glass ceramic plate
with induction system
The induction generator has an internal cooling system. Make sure that the air inlet and outlet holes are
not obstructed by objects (paper, rags or other. This could cause excessive heating and cause the
induction to shut off
Do not allow liquids to enter the induction generator (water, oil or other)
The induction appliance must not be placed near or above hot surfaces
The appliance has a filter. Even though the appliance has this filter, always make sure that the grease
created by other activities does not deposit on the induction appliance (e.g. next to a fryer or plate)
The temperature of the input air must be less than +35°C
Never clean it with a water jet