The food chilling cabinet, comprise the fallowing parts:
All models have:
a machine body made up of insulated panel and a oxidised frame;
door with an oxidise aluminium frame, plus triple glazing;
static refrigeration with a ventilated condenser, and an aluminium-fin
evaporator installed on the top of the positive temperature cabinet (+2/+10°C),
fixed tube evaporator for the static negative cabinet, and built-in chilled racks
for the negative temperature cabinet (-15/-24°C);
an airtight condensing unit and an air-cooled condenser with a remote
thermostat for automatic temperature control;
a ceiling light with an on/ off switch located on the control panel.
For a ventilate models:
a fin-pack evaporator installed at the top of the cabinet; a axial fan for even
temperature distribution ( +5/-20°C);
“ half cycle reverse” defrosting.
The manufacturer has designed and built the machine taking account of the results of
a preventive accurate SAFETY an HEALTH risk analysis.
The protection and devices fitted on the machine therefore comply with the safety
levels established by the specific EEC directives.
Information on and illustrations of said protections and devices to enable the machine
user to operate in condition of maximum possible safety are provided below.