This manual reflects the state of the art using at the time of sale of the machine and
cannot be considered inadequate due to subsequent updates on the basis of new
The manufactured reserves the right to make any updates necessary to the machine
and the instruction manual without this entailing the obligation to updates machines
and/or manual pertaining to provide to previous productions. The manufactured will
nevertheless provide the customer with any further information requested and
likewise will take due account of any proposals for improvement of this manual.
If the machine is sold, the customer is kindly requested to inform the manufacturer of
the address of the new owner.
The manufacturer declines all liability for injuries sustained by person or animals or
damage to things deriving from:
inappropriate use of the machine or use of it by personnel not trained in the use
of professional machine
use contrary to the specific national legislation
incorrect installation
electrical power supply faults
inadequate cleaning and maintenance
non-authorised modifications or work
use of non-original spare parts not specific for the model
total or partial failure to observe the instructions contained in this manual
i. exceptional event