If you select Skip in Main Title tab, the options Text and Duration below will also
be disabled.
Main Title
1. Press the
buttons to select Main title.
2. Press the buttons to select Include to display a main title or Skip to disable.
• If you select Skip in Recording Title tab, the options Display and Duration
below will also be disabled.
• While archiving, you could decide to show the names of the saved recordings on
the screen.
3. Press the
buttons to select the desired options and then press the OK button.
You could decide, which of the following items should be displayed
in the recording title: Name, Start date/time, Length. Press the
buttons to select the options and the buttons to select Include or
Set the duration of the appearance of the Recording title on the
3. Use the
buttons to select the following options and then press the OK button.
Edit the main title.
Set the duration of the appearances of the main title on the screen.
Recording Title
1. Press the
buttons to select Recording title.
2. Press the buttons to select Include to display a recording title or Skip to disable.
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30/07/2012 14:57