Recording options
File -> Preferences
Recording can be limited by defining a maximum time period or by a certain maximum file length.
This is useful when recording is started due to a trigger event so only the relevant trace is being
recorded and avoiding unnecessary long processing time and large files.
The REC button will have a ‘*’ added when a limiting option is enabled.
Full recording mode
Full Recording is capturing all the bits from the bus and is able to reconstruct the complete trace
and decoding and extracting all audio data.
This mode is consuming a lot of disk space and decoding time but gives the most detail.
While recording, the Live View is combined, so all relevant messages are shown on the screen
while happening on the bus.
Live View
Live view is a monitor of all relevant messages captured from the bus. This mode is not capturing
all the data bits from the bus thus it is not possible to reconstruct any audio data.
But the capturing of the messages is allowing to build up the configuration and show all detected
data port and device configurations.
SoundWire Protocol Analyzer
User Manual V1.0