Note: The total delay is dependent on the incorporated streaming service delay, consult the streaming service literature
for information.
Streaming Destination
Once you have registered the LiveU Solo HDMI unit, it is then necessary for you to setup a streaming destination for live
video. With the Solo Web Portal open click on
Select New Destination
from within the Destination tile.
The next screen displayed is split in to two sections:
• One-Touch Streaming
• Streaming Destinations
For help on specific destinations, please refer to the
. When you have all the information in place,
Save Destination
One-Touch Streaming
LiveU has integration using APIs with the most common
live streaming platforms within the portal. The APIs
make it seem like you are going live and setting up the
stream in the same way as the streaming platform.
While each one-touch destination may behave
somewhat uniquely, each one is similar in that there is
some integration between that destination and the LiveU
Solo Web Portal.
In many cases, you need only log into the destination in
question (for example Youtube) through the LiveU Solo
Web Portal and then follow the guided steps to create a
new live video post. The stream key is copied