Step 52:
Place (1) Floorboard (020) on the Floor Rail Supports (016) and Floor Support (037).
Ensure that the predrilled bolt holes lay closer to the previously placed Floorboard
(015). Do not attach until instructed to do so in a later step.
Step 53:
Secure the Floorboards using (85) Screws (S92).
Step 82:
Attach (3) Wall Boards (017) to the Rail Board (006) using (6) Screws (S95). Attach
the Wall Boards to the Rail Boards (021) using (6) Screws (S91). Ensure that the Wall
Boards are flush against the Tower Legs.
Step 83:
Attach (1) Wall Board (061) to the Rail Board (006) using (2) Screws (S95). Attach the
Wall Board to the Rail Board (021) using (2) Screws (S91). Ensure that the Wall Board
is flush against the previously installed Wall Board (017) and that the predrilled holes
are near the inner edge.