Step 46:
Place (1) Floorboard (015) on the Floor Rail Supports (016) and Floor Support (037) in
between the Tower Legs (003). Do not attach until instructed to do so in a later step.
Step 47:
Place (1) Floorboard (015) on the Floor Rail Supports (016) and Floor Support (037) in
between the Tower Legs (001). Do not attach until instructed to do so in a later step.
Step 88:
Insert (2) Nuts (N02) into (1) Door Support (031). Complete this step 2 times
for 2 Door Supports.
Step 89:
Attach (1) Door Board (032) and (1) Door Support Board (060) to the Door Supports
(031) using (4) Bolts (B160). Ensure that the Door Support Board is oriented as shown.