Loop Module
Loop Search Results Display
The Loop Librarian's Search Results display shows the results of a search of the RMV's
internal Loop database using the parameters supplied in the Loop Search Input section.
The Search Results section displays a list of all Loops that meet the search criteria. The
results are displayed as a list. The Search Results section has three controls. These are
Play, Preview and Load.
The Preview button is located to the right of the Loop file's name. The
Preview button is used to temporarily load and play the Loop.
Previewing the Pad includes all of the processing that is applied to
the Pad including filtering, effects processing and enveloping.
The Load button loads the Loop file. Note that if the Loop Librarian is
closed without a new Loop being loaded the current Slicer is restored
to its initial state.
Sample Browser
The Sample Browser used to load Samples into the Loop module is similar to the Sample
Browser used in the Sampler module. Note that the Pads button is not present in the Loop
Module's Sample Browser as only one Pad is present in each Loop module. The Sample
Reference Manual 5.0.1