File Input and Output
When a Groove is loaded from the RMV's internal library, the Groove Information display
shows the Groove's descriptive attributes (the actual attributes are listed below).
The following descriptive attributes of a Groove file are displayed to the user:
Displays the name of the current Groove file.
Displays the musical style of the current Groove file.
Displays the tempo of the current Groove file.
Closes the Groove Librarian.
Groove Search Input Display
The Groove Librarian's Search Input section is used to set the criteria used when
searching the RMV's internal library for Groove files.
Three search keys are available. These are: Name, Style and Tempo. The search keys are
used in combination with mathematical operators to determine the parameters of the
search. The three search keys can be divided into two types: text keys and numeric keys.
The mathematical operators used with each search key depend upon the type of the
search key. Text keys can be used in combination with the following operators: “=”, “*<”
and “<*>”. Numeric search keys can be used in combination with the following operators:
“<”, “>”, “=”, “<=” and “>=”. These operators are described below. In addition to this, the
Groove Search Input section enables any or all of the selected criteria to be used in the
search. The search is started by clicking on the Search button. The search criteria can be
set to their default values using the Reset button. Note that the Style search keys can only
be set to predetermined values.
Text Operators
Reference Manual 5.0.1