centre of the stereo field. Note that if the Pad's output is set to a
mono destination the Pan control has no effect.
Trigger (Note):
The Trigger (Note) sets the MIDI note that triggers the Pad. This
parameter only applies to the Percussion Synthesis modules. The
Trigger (Note) for the Percussion Sampler module is set on a per-
sample basis in the Sampler window on the RMV's Front Panel (see
the Sampler section of this manual for more information about the
RMV's Percussion Sampler module).
The Out(put) control is used to set the output destination of the Pad.
Available destinations depend upon the instrument's current audio
output settings. Note that all stereo outputs are listed first, followed
by all of the mono outputs.
Trigger Button:
The Trigger button allows the Pad to be played using the mouse. To
activate the Trigger button click the mouse on the button. If Pad
Velocity is enabled on the RMV's Setup Panel (see below for more
information about the RMV's Setup Panel), the Pad becomes
velocity-sensitive. In this case, as the cursor is moved from left to
right over the Trigger button, the trigger velocity increases. In other
words, clicking on the left of the button triggers the Pad at lower
velocities than clicking on the right of the Pad. The Activity Indicator
shows that the Pad has been triggered. It stays lit until the Pad has
finished playing.
The Mute button silences the output of the selected Pad.
The Solo button silences all Pads other than the ones that are
selected. Note that more than one Pad can be soloed at a time. This
is useful if you want to listen to particular combinations of Pads in
The Tune control sets the Pad's tuning. The available range is +- 24
semitones in 10 cent steps.
The Vol(ume) control is used to set the output volume of the Pad.
The available range is -oo to +6 dB. The default value is -3 dB.
Snd1 Amount:
Each Pad can send its output to the Effects Racks in the RMV's Send
Effects section (see the Send Effects section of this manual for more
information about the RMV's Send Effects). The percentage of the
signal sent to the Effects Rack selected using the Snd1 Destination
control is set using the Snd1 Amount control.
Reference Manual 5.0.1