Send Effects
All Effects Slots can be set to either "On" or "Thru" using the Power button to the left of the
Effect Type menu. Note that Effects Units that are switched to “Thru” are bypassed.
Each Effect Unit's controls differ and are described in the Insert Effects section already.
Each of the RMV's Effects Racks contains an Output section. The Output section contains
three controls. These are Vol (Volume), Destination and Balance.
The Output section's controls are described below.
The Vol (Volume) control is used to set the output level of the Effects
Each Send Effects Rack can send its output to the host software's
mixer via any of the instrument's outputs. The Destination popup
menu lists all available audio outputs for the instrument. Note that
these outputs bypass the instrument's Master volume control
The stereo positioning of the output of each of the three Effects
Racks is controlled using the Balance control. When the Balance
control is set to the twelve-o-clock position, 0dB of gain is applied to
the left and right channels. As the control is rotated (either clockwise
or anticlockwise) one channel is attenuated while the other remains
Reference Manual 5.0.1