Chapter 3 Operation and Status
Wireless Clients
Wireless Clients screen displays a list of connected clients based on each
wireless interface
Figure 35: Wireless Clients Screen
Data - Wireless Clients
Wireless Interface Select the desired interface from the list The interfaces
include 8 SSIDs per radio
Name of the SSID to which the client connects
Client MAC
The MAC address of the client
MAC of the SSID to which the client connects
Link Rate
The link rate of the client Unit is Mbps
The signal strength of the client Unit is dBm
Online Time
How long this client has been online Unit is seconds
Statistics provides real-time transmitted and received statistics data based on
each SSID per Radio, and LAN interface
Figure 36: Statistics Screen
Data - Statistics
Wireless Radio
Select the desired radio from the list
Radio 1 is for 2 4 GHz, and Radio 2 is for 5 GHz
Total Packets - The total packets sent (in Transmit
table) or received (in Received table) by the interface
Total Bytes - The total bytes sent (in Transmit table) or
received (in Received table) by the interface
Total Dropped Packets - The total number of dropped
packets sent (in Transmit table) or received (in
Received table) by the interface
Total Dropped Bytes - The total number of dropped
bytes sent (in Transmit table) or received (in Received
table) by the interface
Errors - The total number of errors related to sending
and receiving data on this interface