Wireless N300 Home Router
DMZ Host IP Address:
The IP Address of the device for which the
router’s firewall will be disabled. Be sure to statically set the IP Address of
that device for this function to be consistent.
Check/uncheck to enable/disable the DMZ host feature.
Click to enable your settings.
Once enabled, the DMZ host loses protection from device's firewall and
becomes vulnerable to attacks.
4.3 DDNS
Dynamic DNS or DDNS is a term used for the updating in real time of
Internet Domain Name System (DNS) name servers. Dynamic DNS or
DDNS is a term used for the updating in real time of Internet Domain
Name System (DNS) name servers. We use a numeric IP address
allocated by Internet Service Provider (ISP) to connect to Internet; the
address may either be stable ("static"), or may change from one session
on the Internet to the next ("dynamic"). However, a numeric address is
inconvenient to remember; an address which changes unpredictably
makes connection impossible. The DDNS provider allocates a static host
name to the user; whenever the user is allocated a new IP address this is
communicated to the DDNS provider by software running on a computer
or network device at that address; the provider distributes the association
between the host name and the address to the Internet's DNS servers so
that they may resolve DNS queries. Thus, uninterrupted access to
devices and services whose numeric IP address may change is
maintained. (You need to have an account with one of the Service
Providers in the drop-down menu first.)