3 Intended use
The intended use is the hospitalization of the patient in the acute and long-term care units, which includes above all the
following aspects:
Adjustment of the specific positions needed for the preventive reasons, routine nursing, treatments, mobilization, physio
therapy, examinations, sleeping, and relaxation. These positions are further specified and described in the clinical evaluation of this
device, together with their potential clinical outcomes and benefits.
Providing the safe environment for the patient during all relevant procedures. The particular requirements on patient safety
are the subject of the clinical evaluation, including evaluation of the risk/benefit ratio. The relevant safety issues are the part of the
risk management file.
Patient in-bed indoor transport out of the patient room.
Providing the suitable working conditions for the caregivers to perform the routine and specific tasks during the patient
3.1 User population
Adult patients (weight >= 40 kg, height >= 146 cm, BMI >= 17) in the acute and long-term care units (Application Environ
ment 2 and 3, as in IEC 60601-2-52)
Caregivers (nurses, doctors, technical personnel, transport personnel, cleaning personnel)
3.2 Contraindications
The medical device is not intended for the pediatric patients use.
Certain positions are not suitable for specific diagnoses/medical conditions (e.g. spinal cord injuries vs. Fowler position,
higher ICP patients vs. Trendelenburg). Staff expert assessment / nursing consideration is needed in all individual case of contrain
3.3 Operator
Patient (based on individual patient status assessment by caregiver the patient can utilize dedicated device functions)
4 Incorrect Use
The bed is not suitable for:
Not fulfilling conditions stated in chapter “Intended use”
For information concerning uses other than those outlined in the “Intended use” section above, please contact LINET®.
LINET®’s efforts in research, design and manufacture make sure LINET® products are of the highest quality and fit for their inten
ded purpose. However, LINET® can take no responsibility for any damage to the products or any harm to patients, staff or other
individuals resulting from:
Not following the instructions in the manual, including warning notices.
Using the product for a purpose other than the intended purpose stated in the relevant documentation provided by
LINET® (see Intended use).