12.2 Split Plastic Siderails
Fold siderails down as follows:
Fig. Siderail manipulation – Split plastic siderail
Grab the upper handle of the siderail and push towards mattress support platform 1.
Pull out the locking mechanism 2 to unlock.
Fold the siderail down 3.
In certain cases (e.g. when there is no weight on the siderails), it is possible to unlock the split plastic siderail only be pu-
lling out the locking mechanism 2. This does not mean that the mechanism is faulty. The manufacturer recommends always using
the procedure described above.
Fold siderails up as follows:
Grab the siderail by the upper part of its handle.
Pull siderail until it latches.
The locking of each siderail is indicated by an audible ‘click‘when locked in place.
Ensure that the siderail is locked properly.
13 Castor Control and Bed Transport
Material damage due to incorrect transport or involuntary movement!
Prior to assembly, disassembly and maintenance, ensure the castors are locked.
Ensure the castors are locked while the bed is occupied and/or not being transported.
Have the bed transported only by nursing or trained personnel.
► Ensure that all castors are braked if the bed is not being transported.
Risk of damaging the bed during transport!
Always set both levers into transport position before transporting the bed. Otherwise there is a risk of damaging
the levers followed by disfunction of positioning functions.
Castor types:
Castors with individual brake
Castors with single axle brake at the foot end, 2 brakes with individual brake at head end
Bed transport:
Fold the siderails up.
Transport the bed using handles on the head board and foot board.