Subject to modifications
Owner’s Manual
Operating Instructions and Spare Parts Lists
Page 9 of 14
LINCOLN GmbH & Co. KG • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Fig. 11
Fig. 13
KS variant
Visual indication and electric signal.
The metering devices of the VSG and VSL series can be
equipped with limit switches 11-1 for the remote monitoring of
operation of two outlets each. The stroke movement of the
delivery piston is transmitted to the limit switch.
Since these metering devices with fitted limit switch are also
equipped with the visual indication 11-2 shown in fig. 8, it is
easy to find out the malfunctioning pair of outlets in case of a
KR-NP variant
The VSG metering devices can be supplied with a piston
detector (item 12-1) for electronic monitoring.
The proximity switch is activated directly via the respective
delivery piston, without contact and wear.
The minimum output volume is 0.4 cm
for this version.
For feed lines in every length, use the screw-type couplings
with cutting ring 13-1 which can be completed with the
adapter 13-2 in case of difficult conditions of assembly (table 3).
These couplings make it possible to connect the feed lines
and the branch lines from both main lines to the VSG and
VSL metering devices.
Check valves for VS metering devices
In case of high counter-pressures it is recommended to install
check valves in the metering device outlets (table 5).
These are found for example in download progressive
metering devices.