Procedure for locating blockage in system
1. Use a manual pump with a gauge. Fill the pump with clean, filtered lubricant common to the system.
Connect the manual pump into the inlet of the primary divider valve and slowly operate pump. If
system will not cycle freely below 1,500 PSI, see Step 2.
2. With pressure on the primary as outlined in step 1, remove one at a time each supply line (if the
supply lines cannot be removed, remove outlet fittings starting from the bottom and working towards
the valve inlet) and attempt to operate manual pump after each line is removed. Do not exceed
2,000 PSI. If pressure drops and primary cycles freely after a line is removed then blockage is
downstream in the area that is being served from that outlet. See Step 3. If all feed lines are
removed and primary will not cycle, blockage is in this divider valve. Note: When a feed line of a
blocked area is removed a small shot of trapped lubricant will usually surge out of this outlet as the
inlet pressure on the divider valve drops. If testing in Step 2 indicates a blockage in the primary
divider valve, this divider valve must be replaced.
3. Testing accomplished in Step 2 has indicated the blockage is downstream of the primary divider
valve. Reinstall the feed line into the primary valve and proceed to downstream secondary divider
valve and repeat step 2 on the secondary valve. If lubricant can be discharged freely through the
secondary valve, the blockage is in the supply line between the primary and the secondary valve.
4. If high pressure exists on one of the secondary outlets, blockage has been located. Look for
crushed line, tight bearing, and improperly drilled fittings and/or lube inlet port.
Correct as
If dirt, foreign material or any other form of contamination is found as the source of the blockage,
clearing the blockage will only temporarily solve contamination blockage problems. The
source of the
contamination must be eliminated for satisfactory service.
The reservoir must be inspected and
cleaned if necessary. The reservoir filling method should be reviewed to eliminate any chance of
foreign material entering the reservoir during filling. All lubricating systems require filtered lubricant.
Grease Separation Blockage
If a hard wax or soap like material is found in the valve outlets, grease separation is occurring. This
means that the oil is being squeezed from the grease at normal system operating pressure and the
grease thickener is being deposited in the divider valve. Cleaning the divider valve will usually result in
only temporarily solving the problem. Consult your lubricant supplier for recommendations on alternate
lubricants and your local Lincoln Distributor to verify compatibility with centralized lubricating systems
Filling the Pump Reservoir (Use Filtered Lubricant Only !!)
DO NOT fill the pump reservoir from the top. This is the quickest way to introduce debris and
foreign material into the grease.
Dirt and foreign material are the worst enemies of any lubricating system.