DiGital Meter operation
When connected to a power source that supports CrossLinc™, the
CrossLinc™ LED will be illuminated when a connection is made
between the feeder and power source.
When connected to a power source that does not support
CrossLinc™, the CrossLinc™ LED will not be illuminated.
The left display shows the preset wire feed speed. The right
display shows the preset voltage when it is connected to a power
source that supports CrossLinc™ and CrossLinc communication
is activated.. It will display dashes when connected to a power
source that does not support CrossLinc™, meaning that voltage
can not be preset from the feeder and must be set at the power
When connected to a power source with CrossLinc
When connected to a power source without CrossLinc
During Welding
The value in the left display will be either amps or actual wire feed
speed, depending upon the selection chosen in the set-up menu.
The corresponding LED below the display will light. Note that
actual WFS may not match preset WFS, if welding at low voltages
with high wire feed speeds. The right display shows the arc
voltage. If the wire feeder is connected for electrode negative
welding, then the voltage display shows a minus sign.
After Welding
The display continues to hold the value of the amperage or WFS
and arc voltage for ten seconds after welding stops. The
amperage or WFS and voltage displays flash. For 10 sec or until
the WFS or V knobs are rotated.
Wire Feed Speed
Voltage Preset
Wire Feed Speed
Actual Amperage
Actual Voltage