Chapter 7-4-2.
Motion Area
Once above information gets set, please configure the motion area of the monitored
environment. To configure motion area, right mouse click on the video area for menu system.
Please selection detection area in menu item. Perform mouse-drag on the video to define the
motion area.
Motion Counter
Motion detection can be applies to many applications, for examples, counting people
entering a department store or counting vehicles driving through a high way. User can
unilize this page for motion statistics. To reset the counter, click on Reset Counter button.
To get the statistics, click on Refresh Counter.
Motion options are described as follows:
Motion Detection Enable
Enable motion detection zone.
0 to 15 (highest to lowest).
Shutter Time
Motion detection interval.
Motion Email Notification
For sending an email notification, please specify the
following network information. The snapshot gets sent as in the email attachment.
Mail Server IP/Host Name
IP address or host name of the destination email server.
Mail Sender
The sender's email address.
Mail Recipient
The recipient's email address.
Motion FTP
For sending snapshots to FTP server, please specify the following network
information. Motion snapshots can be transferred to the FTP server.
FTP Server IP/Host Name
The destination IP address/host name of the FTP server.
Login Account
Account name of the FTP server.
Login Password
Account password of the FTP server.