5.10 Home page
page is displayed at power-on (see the only exception in the “5.2
Starting the interface for the first time” section on page 19) and allows to
create and manage the recipes. It is mainly aimed at the users that are involved
in the production process (Level 0 – User).
All users of any safety level are allowed to launch the recipes in order to start a
new production; Level 1 – Manager and Level 2 – Administrator users only are
allowed to create new recipes and make changes in existing ones.
The word "recipe" means a program which allows to store the whole set of
parameters necessary to configure all the devices intended for a work or
production process.
In this application, all the parameters are specific to each actuator except for
the target position; only the target position is specific to the recipe.
In the
page the list of some actuator's programming parameters
that may be required sometimes to configure the actuator and the travel for the
specific application is available.
In the
page the list of the advanced parameters that are
used to configure the mechanical and electronic characteristics of the specific
actuator (for such reason they have seldom to be be reprogrammed after the
first configuration) is available.
After having configured each actuator by properly setting the parameters in the
create a recipe.
MAN LDT10 E 1.2
HMI interface
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