5.2.2 ENCODER box
In the
box the following functions are available:
Device type
When the connection is established properly and the device is detected, the
main characteristics of the unit are shown respecting the structure of the order
code. They are: device series (HM or EM series); singleturn resolution (expressed
in bits) / multiturn resolution (expressed in number of revolutions; for example:
18/16384), output type (PN: programmable encoder with parallel output and
NPN driver; PY: programmable encoder with parallel output and Push-Pull
driver; PS: programmable encoder with SSI serial output; PA: programmable
encoder with analogue output).
Serial number
When the connection is established properly and the device is detected, the
univocal serial number of the device is shown next to this item.
Output type
When the connection is established properly and the device is detected, the type
of output of the device is shown next to this item: PARALLEL, SSI or ANALOGUE.
When the connection is established properly and the device is detected, the
hardware versions
of the device are shown next to this item.
Read parameters
This button allows the operator to force a new read of the device parameters.
During the connection attempt a blue arrow appears inside the button. If the
program is not able to establish a connection to the encoder, the fields in the
box and listed above show a question mark (“?”).
Load default parameters
Default parameters are set at the factory by Lika Electronic engineers to allow
the operator to run the device for standard operation in a safe mode. As soon as
you press this button the default parameters are uploaded and activated. All
parameters which have been set previously are overwritten, thus previously set
values are lost. The complete list of machine data and relevant default
parameters preset by Lika Electronic engineers is available on page 58.
MAN EM58 PA E 1.1
Software and configuration parameters
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