Multi-Wavelength Pattern Scanning System - LightLas 532 / 670 – Operators Manual
Rev. No 01
Page 83 of 126
B. Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscope (Optional)
Prior to pre-check and realign the LIO LDU, ensure all the corrected installation or
setup are in place to proceed the following steps.
Power on the console and ensure all the connection and connectors are
in place (refer to fig. 5.17a)
Figure 5.17 (a)
Fiber and Delivery Key fitted to Console Front Panel
Ensure the fiber tip head is cleaned by alcohol refer to below figure 5.17b
Figure 5.17 (b) Fiber tips cleaning
Verify the aiming beam is being delivered correctly from LIO by shooting
against the wall and set a focal distance of 30cm approximately
Fit the headpiece onto your head and adjust the two knobs to align the
Interpupillary distance
Verify illumination intensity integrity by adjusting the LCD LIO
illumination control knob (refer to fig. 5.17c) or as for a standalone LIO
system you may adjust the illumination intensity knob on the LIO unit
(refer to fig.5.17d )