By using this infrared heater you can efficiently heat up to 1000 of unobstructed square feet.
This heater is NOT intended to replace your home’s furnace. Rather, it is designed to be a
supplement to it. It is not an instant heater, and on occasions (depending on various factors),
can take up to 24 hours for a room to reach the desired temperature. Your Infrared Heater is
equipped with a lifetime washable static filter system which removes airborne contaminates as
air circulates into the heating chamber.
To achieve maximum efficiency of your Infrared Heater, please follow these recommendations:
Place your Infrared Heater at least 3 feet from an “inside” wall (a wall that is away from the
cold, outside perimeter of your house) of the room in which it will be used. Face the heater’s
exhaust vent (the grill) toward the cooler “outside” walls of the room. This positioning will
allow the heat to be moved across the room toward the outside walls to provide more even
warmth throughout the room.
Make sure that windows and doors are not allowing a high rate of airflow into the room where
you will be placing your heater. High airflow will minimize the effectiveness of your Infrared
heater, as it would any conventional type heater.
For best results, always try to maintain a minimum of 40% relative humidity in the
environment to be heated.
It is recommended that the Infrared heater be used in rooms that are insulated according to
code. You can use your heater in a room whether insulated or not, but a non-insulated room
will cause greater and faster heat loss which is counterproductive, and will keep the heater in
the “on” cycle longer. This may increase your electricity costs.
Keep the area around the heater clear of clutter and obstacles so that there is free airflow to
and from the heater.
Make sure to keep your heater out of the main traffic area of the room in which it is located; it
should be a welcome addition to the room rather than an obstacle to be stepped over or
stepped around.
The heater will pull a good amount of power (between 10-14 amps on average) from the wall
outlet and from the circuit (the circuit is considered all the outlets and lighting that is
controlled by a single house breaker). The heater needs to be connected to an individual
circuit with
nothing else connected to that circuit
. Doing so will exceed the maximum
amperage allowed for that breaker. Excessive heat, hot power cords, damage to outlets, and
risk of fire will be the result, if not adhered to, and will void your warranty (releasing Lifesmart
from any liability).