4.3 Workout Modes
Marathon Mode
MARATHON MODE has no preset goal nor can a user set a goal. It allows the user to workout indefinitely. A workout in
MARATHON MODE ends only if the user chooses to end it or a stop system is activated. This mode is enabled / dis-
abled in Manager’s Configuration
(see Section 6.2)
. While setting up a workout, enter a time value greater than the up-
per limit displayed on the console. Once the upper limit is exceeded, the MESSAGE CENTER will display “MARATHON
MODE”. Within a workout, MARATHON MODE can be immediately ended by pressing the TIME key. Pressing the TIME
key makes it possible to set a Time Goal as long as it’s not less than the time already spent in the current workout.
Pause Mode
Press the PAUSE / STOP key once. PAUSE mode stops the stairs and holds the current workout settings and informa-
tion. Pressing the CLEAR key also pauses a workout. The workout clock will count backwards to indicate the remaining
time left in PAUSE mode.
Cool Down Mode
The COOL-DOWN mode begins when the user reaches the workout goal OR presses the COOL DOWN key during a
workout in progress.
If a workout is NOT a heart rate program, the resistance level will be reduced in half.
If a workout IS a heart rate program, the software will find the resistance level that is closest to the final heart
rate resistance and use that resistance level reduced by half.
After each elapsed minute in the COOL DOWN mode, resistance shall be reduced in half until Level 1 is
reached. Once Level 1 is reached it stays at Level 1.
Workout Summary Mode
The MESSAGE CENTER displays the following information:
total floors climbed
total steps climbed
total calories burned
total elapsed time
Ending Workouts Early
To end a workout before the pre-set duration expires, press the CLEAR key once to enter PAUSE mode. Press the
CLEAR key twice to transition the system to the WORKOUT SUMMARY mode. Press the CLEAR key three times to select
a new workout. Press the PAUSE / STOP key to stop the workout and transition to the WORKOUT SUMMARY mode.
Switching Workouts “on-the-fly”
It is possible, during a workout, to switch to another workout program. After a switch, the console retains all the prog-
ress information about the workout since its beginning. To change workouts “on-the-fly,” press the desired WORKOUT
SELECTION key and press ENTER. This feature is available for all workouts with dedicated WORKOUT SELECTION Keys
FIT TEST type workouts. The user will be prompted to enter in any missing data as needed for the newly
selected workout.