sysTeM seTTInGs
Tap on the SAVE button to save all the settings. If the settings are changed but have not been saved,
the user can revert back to the stored settings using the CANCEL button. Tap on the RESET TO
DEFAULTS button to revert to factory settings.
Time Delay Before Back To
HOME Screen
1-10 minutes
Amount of inactivity time before console
automatically returns to HOME screen
Repeat Times For Playback
0-10 times
Number of times each video loops during
playback (0 for endless loop)
Time Delay To Power Saving
2-30 minutes
Delay before Console backlight dims
(Tap on screen to wake Console)
eXIT applICaTIon
This feature is strictly for use by an authorized service representative only. This feature is password
protected to prevent unauthorized usage. Using this feature will bring the user to the operating
system screen. Tap on the EXIT TO WINDOWS™ button.
A number pad will appear. Enter the correct
password and tap the OK button. Application
will now exit to Windows.
If incorrect password is entered, tap on the
CLEAR button to clear the password box.
Tap on the BACK button to return to the
Configurations menu.