LGB 20705 Instruction Manual Download Page 22


Die berühmte Zillertalbahn führt durch
das malerische, von den eindrucksvollen
Gipfeln der Tiroler Alpen umgebene Zillertal.
Oft denkt man bei der Zillertalbahn an eine
Touristenattraktion, doch diente die Bahn
von Anfang an als wichtiger regionaler
Verkehrträger. Bis in die 1960er Jahre zogen
Dampfloks die Züge, so auch das Vorbild
dieses Sets. Als Dieselloks und Triebwagen
den Alltagsbetrieb übenahmen, wurde ein
fahrplanmäßiger Dampfbetrieb in den
Sommermonaten zur Freude von Besuchern
und Einheimischen beibehalten.
U1 “Raimund”, das Vorbild für das LGB-
Modell, wurde 1900 von der Lokomotivfabrik
Krauss als eine der ersten Lokomotiven der
Zillertalbahn gebaut. Die Lok gehört zur
Baureihe U, von der zahlreiche Exemplare
auf den verschiedenen Schmalspurbahnen
Österreichs fuhren.


The famous Zillertalbahn runs through the
picturesque Ziller Valley in Tyrolia, surrounded
by the towering peaks of the Alps. While
often thought as a tourist attraction, the
railway was and is an important local
transportation link. Until the 1960s - the era
depicted by this set - trains were hauled by
steam locomotives. When diesels replaced
steam on most everyday trips, regular steam
operations continued during the summer
months to the delight of tourists and locals
U1 "Raimund," the prototype of this model,
was built at the Krauss Locomotive Works
in 1900, as one of the first locomotives for
the Zillertalbahn. It is one of numerous “U
Series” locos that ran on narrow gauge
railways throughout Austria.


Le fameux chemin de fer Zillertalbahn
traverse la vallée pittoresque de Ziller,
flanquée des majestueux pics alpins, au
Bien qu'il soit souvent considéré comme
une attraction touristique, le chemin de fer
était et reste encore un important service
de transport local. Jusque dans les années
1960 - l'époque évoquée par ce coffret -
les trains étaient tirés par des locomotives
à vapeur. Lorsque les locomotives diesel
remplacèrent la vapeur pour la  plupart des
voyages quotidiens, un service régulier avec
locomotives à vapeur fut continué pendant
les mois d'été au bonheur des touristes
tout comme celui des habitants de la région.
La locomotive U1 «  Raimund », le prototype
de ce modèle, fut construite à l'établisse-
ment Krauss en 1900. C'était l'une des
premières locomotives du Zillertalbahn. Elle
figure parmi les nombreuses locomotives
de la «  série U  » qui parcouraient les voies
de chemin de fer étroites à travers l'Autriche.

Summary of Contents for 20705

Page 1: ...BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS DE SERVICE 20705 Zillertalbahn Set Sammleredition Zillertal Set Collector Edition Coffret Zillertal dition de collection...

Page 2: ...anm igen Z ge der Zillertalbahn von Dampflokomotiven gezogen Until the 1960s most trains on the Zillertalbahn were pulled by steam locomotives Jusque dans les ann es 1960 la plupart des trains du Zill...

Page 3: ...cilities of the Zillertal Railway in the 1960s often were covered in smoke and steam Today the Zillertalbahn continues to maintain steam locomotives together with modern diesel equipment Les ateliers...

Page 4: ...ertal waren die ersten Lokomotiven der Zillertalbahn U1 Raimund and U2 Zillertal were the first locomotives of the Zillertalbahn Les locomotives U1 Raimund et U2 Zillertal furent les premi res locomot...

Page 5: ...s ce qui ajoute une attrayante vari t ses trains Die Zillertalbahn verf gt ber Personen wagen in vielen verschiedenen Ausf hrungen was den Z gen eine charmante Vielfalt verleiht The Zillertalbahn owns...

Page 6: ...m Winter Dampfbetrieb auf der Zillertalbahn Lors d occasions sp ciales des trains vapeurs assurent encore le service pendant les mois d hiver sur le Zillertalbahn On special occasions steam trains sti...

Page 7: ...hische Schmalspur lokomotive schlechthin U series locomotives here U2 Zillertal are the quintessential Austrian narrow gauge locomotives Les locomotives de la s rie U ici la U2 Zillertal sont d excell...

Page 8: ...Abb 6 Fig 6 Fig 6 Abb 5 Fig 5 Fig 5 Abb 1 Fig 1 Fig 1 Abb 3 Fig 3 Fig 3 0 1 2 3 Abb 4 Fig 4 Fig 4 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 Abb 2 Fig 2 Fig 2...

Page 9: ...and whistle sounds brake sounds with Multi Train System auxiliary blower safety valve and steam sounds coal shoveling sound conductor announcement with Multi Train System volume control remote control...

Page 10: ...feste Ausf hrung T ren zum ffnen THE MODEL The passenger coaches feature weather resistant construction opening doors LE MOD LE Les voitures voyageurs pr sentent les caract ristiques suivantes constru...

Page 11: ...ar 31071 Zillertal Second Class Passenger Car 51420 Tourist Figures Seated 52450 1900s Figures Seated Set 2 67403 Ball Bearing Wheel Sets 2 pieces 68333 Interior Lighting Set Flat Connector For inform...

Page 12: ...euchtung und Dampfent wickler eingeschaltet Position 2 Lokmotor Dampfentwickler und Beleuchtung einge schaltet Position 3 Lokmotor Dampfentwickler Beleuchtung und Sound eingeschaltet werkseitige Einst...

Page 13: ...VE OPERATION Sound This model features a digital electronic sound system The volume control is located under the round cover on the left water tank Fig 3 The sound can be switched on and off using the...

Page 14: ...m Brake The squealing brake sound can be triggered with the Multi Train System Standing sounds After the model stops you hear the auxiliary blower then the safety valve coal shoveling and firebox door...

Page 15: ...equire a battery Lighting This model features directional lighting The model has a flat multi purpose socket with a removable cover on the rear of the loco Fig 4 This socket can be used to provide tra...

Page 16: ...ile Hint The smoke generator can be run dry without smoke fluid Power Supply Attention For safety and reliability operate this model with LGB power supplies transformers power packs and controls only...

Page 17: ...e press the loco function button the matching number of times For example to trigger the bell press button 2 on the Loco Remote or Universal Remote If you are using a Train Mouse press the function bu...

Page 18: ...P switches should remain in this setting even if the models are used on an analog layout Attention After extended operation this model may leave carbon dust or other debris around the track This dust...

Page 19: ...ce station see Authorized Service Lubrication 1 The side rod ends should be lubricated occasionally with a small amount of LGB Maintenance Oil 50019 Cleaning 1 This model can be cleaned externally usi...

Page 20: ...rs remove and replace the bulb Reassemble Cab light Using tweezers remove and replace the bulb Replacing the smoke generator 2 Pull the safety cover out of the smoke stack Fig 5 Use pliers or tweezers...

Page 21: ...hould be lubricated occasionally with a small amount of LGB Maintenance Oil 50019 Cleaning 1 This model can be cleaned externally using a mild detergent and gentle stream of water Do not immerse this...

Page 22: ...otives When diesels replaced steam on most everyday trips regular steam operations continued during the summer months to the delight of tourists and locals alike U1 Raimund the prototype of this model...

Page 23: ...2201 Standard Motor with Short Shaft 63120 Brushes Assembled 14 mm and 16 mm 8 pieces 63218 Standard Pick Up Shoes 2 pieces 65853 Smoke Generator 5V 68511 Plug In Bulb Clear 5V 10 pieces 69104 Tractio...

Page 24: ...8 535 9387 This product will be repaired without charge for parts or labor You are responsible for any shipping costs insurance and customs fees This warranty does not apply to products that have been...

Page 25: ...to subscribe LGB DEPESCHE I can cancel the subscription within ten days The subscription rate for four issues is DM 50 00 including postage DM 78 00 by overseas airmail I will pay the invoice on rece...

Page 26: ...e Absendung des Widerrufs innerhalb dieser Zeitspanne an E P Lehmann Saganer Str 1 5 D 90475 N rnberg Ich best tige die Kenntnisnahme durch meine Unterschriften Erste Unterschrift First Signature Zwei...

Page 27: ...d instructions LGB LEHMANN and the LEHMANN TOYTRAIN logotype are registered trademarks of Ernst Paul Lehmann Patentwerk N rnberg Germany Other trademarks are the property of their owners Products and...

Page 28: ...B of America Repair Department 6444 Nancy Ridge Drive San Diego CA 92121 USA Telephone 858 535 9387 Fax 858 535 1091 You are responsible for any shipping costs insurance and customs fees Hint Informat...
