the following items:
- 10210 Rack Rails
- 10220 Rack Rail Holders
- 64462 Rack Loco Coupler
Hooks, 8 pieces
For information on the complete
LGB program, see the LGB cata-
Operating Modes
This model has a four-way power
control switch mounted on the
backhead inside the cab (Fig. 1a,
Position 0: All power off
Position 1: Power to lights and
smoke generator
Position 2: Power to lights, smoke
generator and motor
(factory pre-set)
Position 3: same as Position 2
Hint: Similar to the prototype, the
rods and valve gear of the rack
mechanism only move when the
model is running on a cog rack.
Attention! This loco requires a
more gradual transition from level
track to steep sections than other
LGB rack locos. Make sure your
layout features gradual transitions
(Fig. 7). Use several short straight
track sections, like 10150, at the
beginning and the end of a steep
Rack Operation
LGB rack locomotives can opera-
te on grades of up to 25%, clim-
bing 250 mm for every 1000 mm
of horizontal distance. They can
be used on rack sections and on
regular “adhesion” sections.
To install a cog rack, install the
10220 holders between the track
ties. Snap the 10210 racks into
the holders from above.
- Avoid grades steeper than 25%.
- Avoid abrupt transitions in the
gradient of your tracks. Use
several short straight track sec-
tions, like the 10150 (8 pcs.), at
the beginning and the end of a
steep section.
- Avoid sharp curves on rack sec-
tions. The cog wheel may slide
off the rack.
- To avoid accidental uncoupling,
we recommend installing coup-
ler hooks on both ends of all rol-
ling stock. A second coupler
hook can be installed on the
front of the loco as well.
- To prevent the coupler hooks
from rubbing on the cog racks,
we recommend installing 64462
Rack Loco Coupler Hooks on all
rolling stock.
Attention: The gearing of this
model is different from that of
most LGB locos. To prevent
damage to the gears, avoid
connecting this model to other
locos with different gearing.
Multi-Train System
This model has a direct decoder
interface. It can be equipped with
an LGB Multi-Train System Deco-
der (55020). The Decoder Interfa-
ce Cable (55026) is not required.
We strongly recommend decoder
installation by an LGB service
station. For more information,
contact your authorized LGB
retailer or an LGB service station
(see Authorized Service).
Hint: If this model is equipped
with a decoder, the digital/analog
DIP switches on the loco circuit
board will be set to OFF. On deco-
der-equipped models, the DIP
switches remain in this setting,
even if the model is used on an
analog layout.
This model features directional
lighting. The model has two „flat“
multi-purpose sockets, with remo-
vable covers, at the front and rear
of the loco (Fig. 2, 3). This socket
can be used to provide track
power to cars with lighting or
sound electronics.
To remove the cover of the
socket, pull it straight out. If the
cover is tight, gently use a small
straight screwdriver to pry it out.
(Do not pull out the rectangular
outer housing.)
If your cars have the older,
„round“ lighting connectors, use
the Light Socket Adapter (68334).
Smoke Generator
This model is equipped with a
smoke generator. A small supply
of LGB Smoke and Cleaning
Fluid is included with this model.
For best operation, fill the genera-
tor halfway with fluid. If the gene-
rator is overfilled, it will not con-
vert the fluid into smoke.
Attention! Only use LGB Smoke
and Cleaning Fluid (50010).
Other fluids may damage your
Attention! Never touch the hea-
ting element in the center of the
smoke generator. It is fragile.
Power Supply
Attention! For safety and reliabi-
lity, operate this model with LGB
power supplies (transformers,
power packs and controls) only.