T: 0191 516 6554
Please check the following before commencing startup as they are important conditions of the LG warranty.
A strainer with a minimum 400 microns must be installed, in addition a Magnetic filter and flow
setter are strongly recommended.
A buffer tank should be used to ensure a minimum primary water volume of 25lt is obtained for the
single fan units and 50lt for the double fan units.
The pipe diameter used must be no smaller than 28mm copper (larger if plastic). Contact Secon for advice
if the pipe length exceeds 10 metres or you are using plastic pipe.
The external unit should be placed on a level, strong base suitable of withstanding its weight.
The unit should be sited to allow good air flow around the unit and should not be located less than
300mm from any structure behind, with at least 700mm in front (we would recommend no less than 2m)
Allowance for the condensate to soakaway, via a soakaway of to drain, not to allow ice formation around
the unit.
Anti freeze is recommended to protect again frost damage this should be premixed and added to the
system, we will go into further detail later.
The water quality should be tested against LG Requirements.
The Mains power must be turned on 6 Hours before starting the product.
Part of the startup process involves checking the water flow rate. In order for the unit to operate at all then an absolute minimum flow rates
must be met, but for correct operation as designed then a water flow rates below must be observed below
Rated flow rate LPM
Rated flow rate M³h
Minimum Primary Pipework
size mm
14.37 Lpm
0.9 m³h
20.12 Lpm
1.2 m³h
25.87 Lpm
1.5 m³h
34.5 Lpm
2.1 m³h
40.25 Lpm
2.4 m³h
46 Lpm
2.8 m³h
*Taken from the Manufactures Recommendations, all pipe sizes should be calculated and checked, and remain responsibility of the
installer to provide adequate flow through the unit.