Check Points, Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Installation Manual
To assure best performance of , it is required to perform periodical check and
maintenance. It is recommended to proceed following check list for once a year.
Turn off the power before proceeding maintenance
No Category Item Check Point
Water pressure
Strainer(Field supply)
Safety valve(Field supply)
Terminal block wiring
• In normal state, the pressure gage (inside of the unit) should
indicate 200~250 kPa.
• If the pressure is less than 30 kPa, please recharge the water.
• Disassemble strainer. Then wash the strainer to make it clean.
• While disassembling the strainer, be careful for water flood out.
• Open the switch of the safety valve and check if water is flood
out through the drain hose.
• After checking, close the safety valve.
• Look and inspect if there is loosen or defected connection on
the terminal block.
Test Run
Check to see whether there is any refrigerant leakage, and check whether the power or
transmission cable is connected properly.
Confirm that 500 V megger shows 2.0 MΩ or more between power supply terminal
block and ground. Do not operate in the case of 2.0 MΩ or less.
: Never carry out mega ohm check over terminal control board.
Otherwise the control board may break.
Immediately after mounting the unit or after leaving it turned off for an extended
length of time, the resistance of the insulation between the power supply
terminal board and the ground may decrease to approx. 2.0 MΩ as a result of
refrigerant accumulation in the internal compressor.
If the insulation resistance is less than 2.0 MΩ, turn on the main power supply.
Check before Test run