System Set-Up
Air-to-Water Heat Pump
• Function Code 28 and 29
: Setting control parameter for sanity water heating operation
Descriptions for each parameters are as following.
- Value #1 of Function Code 28 : temperature gap from Value #2 of Function Code 28.
- Value #2 of Function Code 28 : maximum temperature generated by AWHP compressor cycle.
- Example : If Value #1 is set as ‘5’ and Value #2 is set as ’48’, then Session A (see the graph) will
be started when the water tank temperature is below 45 °C…. If temperature is above 48 °C…,
then Session B will be started.
- Value #1 of Function Code 29 : temperature gap from target sanitary water temperature. This
value is required to frequent On and Off of water tank heater.
- Value #2 of Function Code 29 : Determining heating demand priority between sanitary water tank
heating and under floor heating.
- Example : If user’s target temperature is set as ’70’ and Value #1 is set as ‘3’, then the water
tank heater will be turned off when the water temperature is above 73 °C. The water tank heater
will be turned on when the water temperature is below 70 °C.
- Example : If Value #2 is set as ‘0’, that means heating priority is on sanitary water heating,
sanitary water is heated by AWHP compressor cycle and water heater. In this case the under
floor can not be heated while sanitary water heating. On the other hand, if the Value #2 is set as
‘1’, that means heating priority is on under floor heating, sanitary tank is ONLY heated by water
heater. In this case the under floor heating is not stopped while sanitary water is heated.
Water heater off
Session A
Session B
Session C
Session D
Target sanitary water
temperature (set by user)
Starting temperature
of sanitary water heating
Session A : Heating by AWHP compressor cycle
Session B : Heating by water heater
Session C : No heating (Water heater is Off)
Session D : Heating by water heater
Water temperature
(Inside sanitary water tank)
Value #1 of
Function Code 28
Value #2 of
Function Code 28
Value #1 of
Function Code 29
Sanitary water heating does not operate when it is disabled.
Enabling / Disabling of sanitary water heating is determined by pushing button.
When icon is displayed on the remote controller, sanitary water heating is enabled.
(by button input or scheduler programming)