Plasma Display Panel Troubleshooting - 2007
60PC1D Power Supplies
AC Power inputs to the AC/DC Supply which is responsible for supplying 160V and 20V
to the Standby Power Supply. The Standby Power Supply develops 5V ST and AC DET
which is sent to the Main Board to control the power up and down functions. The Standby
Supply also develops 12V needed to drive the Relays which switch the AC Power on and off.
Until now the set is turned off and the set is waiting for the on command from the Main Board.
The Customer turns on the set and the Main Board reacts as long as the AC/DC Supply and
Standby Supply are functioning normal. The next step is for the P-CTL line to go high which
causes the Relays to close. The AC/DC Board will output 110VDC to the PFC Board
developing the 380VDC and 18VDC lines which power up the SMPS Board and at this point
the 19V ( must be measured from Audio Ground ) 12V, 6V, and 3.4V are now present.
Finally, to bring the set to full Power On we need the Main Board to output a high on the
VS ON and POD Lines. VS ON is responsible for developing VS and VA voltages and
POD is responsible for 5VDC.