Check the indicators on the front to determine the state of the battery pack.
A warning state is triggered when a condition, such as with voltage or tem-
perature, is beyond design limitations. The battery pack’s BMS periodically
reports its operating state to the inverter.
When the battery pack falls outside prescribed limits, it enters a warning state.
When a warning is reported, the inverter immediately stops operation.
Use the monitoring software on the inverter to identify what caused the warn-
ing. The possible warning messages are as follows:
• Battery Over Voltage
• Battery Under Voltage
• Battery Over Temperature
• Battery Under Temperature
• Battery Discharge Over Current
• Battery Charge Over Current
• BMS Internal Communication
• Battery Cell Voltage Imbalance
The abnormal state is cleared when the battery pack recovers normal opera-
For a serious warning, if no proper corrective actions are taken by the in-
verter, the battery pack’s circuit breaker automatically trips to protect itself.