Leyard Tocuhboards Planar UltraRes Series User Manual Download Page 9

European Union Disposal Information

Planar UltraRes Series User Manual


European Union Disposal Information



  Disposal of old Electrical & Electronic Equipment (Applicable throughout 

the European Union and other European countries with separate collection 

This symbol found on your product or on its packaging, indicates that 
this product should not be treated as household waste when you wish to 
dispose of it. Instead, it should be handed over to an applicable collection 
point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring 
this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential 
negative consequences to the environment and human health, which 
could otherwise be caused by inappropriate disposal of this product. The 
recycling of materials will help to conserve natural resources. 

This symbol is only valid in the European Union. 
If you wish to discard this product, please contact 
your local authorities or dealer and ask for the cor-
rect method of disposal.






  Deshecho de equipos eléctricos y electrónicos (aplicable a la Unión Euro-

pea y a otros países europeos con programas de reciclaje independientes)

La presencia de este símbolo en el propio producto o en su material de 
embalaje, indica que no se debe tratar como residuo doméstico cuando 
desee deshacerse de él. En su lugar, debe entregarlo en el punto limpio 
correspondiente de reciclaje de equipos eléctricos y electrónicos. Ase-
gurándose de que este producto se desecha de forma correcta, ayudará 
a evitar posibles consecuencias negativas para la conservación del 
medioambiente y la salud humana, consecuencias que podrían darse si 
se deshace del producto de forma inadecuada. El reciclado de materiales 
ayuda a conservar los recursos naturales.

Este símbolo solamente es válido en la Unión 
Si desea deshacerse de este producto, póngase 
en contacto con las autoridades locales o con su 
distribuidor y pida información sobre el método de 
disposición adecuado.


  Mise au rebut des équipements électriques  et électroniques usagés 

(Valable dans l’ensemble de l’Union Européenne ainsi que dans les pays 
européens disposant de programmes distincts de collecte des déchets)

Ce symbole appliqué sur votre produit ou sur son emballage indique 
que ce produit ne doit pas être traité comme un déchet ménager lorsque 
vous voulez le mettre au rebut. Il doit au contraire être remis à un site 
de collecte agréé pour le recyclage des équipements électriques et 
électroniques. En veillant à ce que ce produit soit mis au rebut de façon 
adéquate, vous contribuerez à prévenir les conséquences potentiellement 
négatives sur l’environnement et sur la santé humaine qui risqueraient 
de se produire en cas de mise au rebut inappropriée de ce produit. Le 
recyclage des matériaux contribuera également à économiser les res-
sources naturelles. 

Ce symbole n’est valable que dans l’Union Européenne.
Si vous souhaitez mettre ce produit au rebut, veuillez 
prendre contact avec les autorités locales ou avec votre 
revendeur et renseignez-vous sur la méthode de mise 
au rebut correcte.



  Smaltimento delle attrezzature elettriche ed elettroniche usate (applicabile 

in tutta la Comunità Europea ed altri Paesi Europei che applicano 
programmi di raccolta differenziata)

Il simbolo trovato sul prodotto, o sulla sua confezione, indica che il 
prodotto non può essere trattato come i domestici quando è il momento 
di smaltirlo. Al contrario, deve essere consegnato ad un centro di raccolta 
specializzato nel riciclaggio di attrezzature elettriche ed elettroniche. As-
sicurando che il corretto smaltimento di questo prodotto, si aiuterà a preve-
nire potenziali conseguenze negative sull’ambiente e sulla salute umana, 
che possono essere provocate da uno scorretto smaltimento di questa 
attrezzatura. I materiali riciclati aiuteranno a conservare le risorse naturali.

Questo simbolo è valido solo nell’Unione Europea.
Per smaltire questo prodotto, mettersi in contatto con 
le autorità locali – o con il rivenditore – e chiedere 
informazioni sul corretto metodo di smaltimento.


  Entsorgung von elektrischen & elektronischen Altgeräten (geltend für die 

europäische Gemeinschaft und andere europäische Länder mit separaten 

Dieses Symbol, zu finden auf Ihrem Produkt oder dessen Verpackung, 
macht Sie darauf aufmerksam, dass dieses Produkt bei der Entsorgung 
nicht als Hausmüll behandelt werden darf. Statt dessen sollte es an eine 
Sammelstelle zum Recycling von elektrischen und elektronischen Alt-
geräten gegeben werden. Helfen Sie mit, potenziell schädliche Einflüsse 
auf Umwelt und Gesundheit, die durch eine unsachgemäße Entsorgung 
dieses Produktes entstehen können, zu vermeiden und entsorgen Sie 
dieses Produkt ordnungsgemäß. Recycling hilft, natürliche Rohstoffe 

Dieses Symbol ist nur innerhalb der europäischen 
Gemeinschaft gültig.
Wenn Sie dieses Produkt entsorgen möchten, wenden 
Sie sich bitte an Ihre örtliche Behörde und fragen Sie 
nach der ordnungsgemäßen Entsorgungsmethode.



  Verwijderen van oude elektrische en elektronische apparatuur (toepas-

selijk in de volledige Europese Unie en andere Europese landen met 
afzonderlijke programma’s voor afvalverzameling)

Dit symbool dat op het product of zijn verpakking is aangebracht, geeft aan 
dat dit product niet mag worden behandeld als huishoudelijk afval als u het 
wilt wegwerpen. U moet het afgeven bij een specifiek verzamelpunt voor 
de recyclage van elektrische en elektronische apparatuur. Door te garan-
deren dat u dit product op de correcte manier wegwerpt, helpt u potentiële 
negatieve gevolgen voor het milieu en de menselijke gezondheid, die 
zouden kunnen worden veroorzaakt door een onrechtmatig wegwerpen 
van het product, te voorkomen. De recyclage van materialen helpt het 
behoud van natuurlijke bronnen.

Dit symbool is alleen geldig in de Europese Unie.
Als u dit product wenst weg te gooien, dient u contact op 
te nemen met uw lokale instanties voor details over de 
gepaste methode voor afvalverwijdering.



  Eliminação de equipamentos eléctricos e electrónicos usados (aplicável 

na União Europeia e noutros países europeus com programas próprios de 
recolha destes equipamentos)

Este símbolo, colocado no produto ou na respectiva embalagem, indica 
que o produto não deve ser tratado como lixo doméstico aquando da sua 
eliminação. Em vez disso, deve ser entregue num ponto de recolha de eq-
uipamentos eléctricos e electrónicos para posterior reciclagem. Ao garantir 
a correcta eliminação deste produto, estará a evitar consequências poten-
cialmente negativas tanto para o ambiente como para a saúde humana. A 
reciclagem de materiais ajuda a preservar os recursos naturais.

Este símbolo apenas é válido na União Europeia.
Se quiser eliminar este produto, contacte as enti-
dades locais ou o seu fornecedor para ficar a saber 
qual o método de eliminação correcto.




   Avfall av förbrukad elektrisk och elektronisk utrustning (Tillämpbart i 

hela Europeiska unionen och andra europeiska länder med separata 


Den här symbolen som finns på din product eller på dess förpackning 
påvisar att produkten inte ska behandlas som hushållsavfall när du vill 
slänga bort den. Istället ska den lämnas över till en lämplig uppsamlings-
punkt för återvinning av elektriska och elektroniska utrustningar. Genom att 
tillförsäkra att den här produkten återvinns på ett riktigt sätt hjälper du till 
med att förhindra möjliga negative konsekvenser för miljön och mänsklig 
hälsa. Det kan annars orsakas på grund av olämplig sophantering av den 
här produkten. Återvinning av material kommer att hjälpa till att bevara 

Den här symbolen är endast giltig inom den 
Europeiska unionen. 
Om du vill slänga bort den här produkten ska du 
kontakta lokala myndigheter eller återförsäljar, och 

fråga efter lämplig avfallsmetod. 


  Usuwanie zużytego sprzętu elektrycznego i elektronicznego (Dotyczy 

krajów Unii Europejskiej i innych krajów europejskich z oddzielnymi 
programami zbiórki odpadów)

Obecność tego symbolu na produkcie lub na opakowaniu z produktem 
oznacza, że tego produktu nie można wyrzucać razem z odpadkami 
domowymi. Należy go przekazać do punktu zbiórki w celu poddania 
recyklingowi podzespołów elektrycznych i elektronicznych. Usunięcie tego 
produktu w prawidłowy sposób, pomoże w zabezpieczeniu przed negaty-
wnym wpływem odpadów na środowisko i zdrowie ludzi, powodowanym 
przez niewłaściwe usuwanie produktu. Przetwarzanie materiałów pomaga 
w zachowaniu zasobów naturalnych. 

Ten symbol obowiązuje wyłącznie w krajach Unii 
Informacje dotyczące prawidłowej metody usunięcia 
tego produktu, można uzyskać u władz lokalnych lub 
u dostawcy.


  Vanhojen sähkö- ja elektroniikkalaitteiden hävittäminen (Soveltuva kaik-

kialla Euroopan unionin alueella, sekä muissa Euroopan maissa, joilla on 
erilliset keräysohjelmat)

Jos tuotteessa tai sen pakkauksessa on tämä symboli, sitä ei pidä 
hävitettäessä käsitellä tavallisena kotitalousjätteenä, vaan se kuuluu toimit-
taa sähkö- ja elektroniikkalaitteiden kierrätyspisteeseen. Varmistamalla, 
että tämä tuote hävitetään asiaankuuluvalla tavalla autat estämään mah-
dollisia ympäristölle ja ihmisille koituvia negatiivisia seuraamuksia, joita 
sen vääränlainen hävittäminen voi aiheuttaa. Materiaalien kierrättäminen 
auttaa säilyttämään luonnonvaroja. 

Tämä symboli on voimassa ainoastaan Euroopan 
unionin alueella.
Jos haluat hävittää tämän tuotteen, ota yhteyttä 
paikallisiin viranomaisiin tai jälleenmyyjään ja tiedustele 
asiaankuuluvia hävittämistoimenpiteitä.

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive 
In the European Union, this label indicates that this product 
should not be disposed of with  household waste. It should 
be deposited at an appropriate facility to enable recovery 
and recycling.  EEE complies with Directive ‘Regulation on 
the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances 
in Electrical and Electronic Equipment’

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment 
(WEEE) Directive In the European Union, this 

label indicates that this product should not be 

disposed of with  household waste. It should be 

deposited at an appropriate facility to enable 

recovery and recycling.  EEE complies with 

Directive ‘Regulation on the Restriction of the 
Use  of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical 
and Electronic Equipment’

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) 
Yönergeleri Avrupa Birli


i'nde bu etiket, ürünün ev 



i aletleri at




 ile imha edilemeyece


ini gösterir. 

Kurtarmak ve geri dönü


ümünü sa


lamak için uygun 


artlarda saklanmas


 gerekir. EEE Yönetmeli


ine Uygundur 

Ve Elektronik E


yalarda Bazi Zararli Maddelerin Kullaniminin 

Sinirlandirilmasina Dair Yönetmelik.

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment 

(WEEE) Yönergeleri Avrupa Birliği'nde bu etiket, 

ürünün ev elektroniği aletleri atıkları ile imha 

edilemeyeceğini gösterir.  Kurtarmak ve geri 
dönüşümünü sağlamak için uygun şartlarda 

saklanması gerekir.  EEE Yönetmeliğine 

Uygundur Ve Elektronik Eşyalarda Bazi Zararli  
Maddelerin Kullaniminin Sinirlandirilmasina Dair 

Summary of Contents for Tocuhboards Planar UltraRes Series

Page 1: ...Planar UltraRes Series User Manual...

Page 2: ...ors or omissions contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing performance or use of this material Warranty and Service Plans Planar warranty and servic...

Page 3: ...UltraRes Series Standard Inputs 10 Installing the Displays 11 Installing the Planar Profile Mounting System 12 Installing OPS Expansion Optional 25 Supported Graphics Cards 26 Operating the Display 2...

Page 4: ...r Installation 62 Touchscreen PQLabs MultiTouch Platform Content 62 Uninstalling the MultiTouch Driver 63 External Control 64 Signal Compatibility 65 Color Subsampling Support 68 Specifications 69 Dim...

Page 5: ...sign and configuration options required in high profile offices leading control rooms collaboration rooms and digital branding installations Features of the Planar UltraRes Series displays include Bes...

Page 6: ...dealer for inspection WARNING Wall mounts must be secure If the display is hung on a wall the wall must be strong enough to hold it Simply mounting it to wallboard or wall paneling won t be adequate o...

Page 7: ...let consult an electrician for the replacement of the obsolete outlet 9 Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs convenience receptacles and the point where they ex...

Page 8: ...extended periods of time 12 hours or longer An electrical charge differential may build up between the electrodes of the liquid crystal which causes a negative color video image color inverted and bri...

Page 9: ...ek verzamelpunt voor de recyclage van elektrische en elektronische apparatuur Door te garan deren dat u dit product op de correcte manier wegwerpt helpt u potenti le negatieve gevolgen voor het milie...

Page 10: ...at up to 3000 meters Cooling Requirements For optimal performance active cooling by the installer should be planned for when the ambient temperature anywhere in the wall is predicted to be above the s...

Page 11: ...g Failure to do so may result in electrical shock or damage Keep the following points in mind when cleaning the surface of the display When the surface of the display becomes dirty wipe the surface li...

Page 12: ...box 1 LCD mounts optional If ordered this will be inside a separate box inside the LCD box Note If you do not use Planar s mounts you need to ensure the mounts that you purchase can adequately support...

Page 13: ...B drive Contains the User Manual touch drivers and USB to serial driver 1 USB cable Connects to a PC for touch functionality touch models only and serial commands all models 1 Remote control Used to c...

Page 14: ...HDCP 2 2 HDMI 2 HDMI 4K 60Hz HDCP 2 2 HDMI 3 HDMI 4K 30Hz HDMI 4 HDMI 4K 30Hz DP OUT DisplayPort Out DP IN DisplayPort In 4K 60 Hz OPS 4K 60Hz Note Only one HDCP 2 2 source can be displayed at a time...

Page 15: ...isplay must be installed on a flat surface If you ordered the optional wall mounts use the supplied UltraRes mounting template for the center point of the display as well as for top and bottom bracket...

Page 16: ...urchase the correct hardware needed to support the display mounted to that structure Caution If the unit being installed is fitted with a touch input device it is important that the touch frame is not...

Page 17: ...o determine the center points of the wall mounts The V notches are labeled Short Center and Long Center Use the Short Center hole for a landscape display and the Long Center hole for a portrait displa...

Page 18: ...b You may wish to screw the template in place to make the next steps easier Note If you are installing a landscape display and the template is too long you can break the template at the notch below th...

Page 19: ...e up with the bottom hole you marked on the wall This time use the LONG CENTER for a landscape panel and the SHORT CENTER for a portrait panel Ensure that the template is flat against the wall and lev...

Page 20: ...top wall mount with the screw hole drilled from the template Note This picture shows mounts for a landscape installation 11 Tighten the screw into the mount 12 Use a level to make sure the mount is l...

Page 21: ...Res Series User Manual 17 14 Install the bottom mount brackets such that the holes marked earlier line up with the inner bottom hole on the bottom mount bracket Ensure the bottom mounts are level and...

Page 22: ...ofile Mounting System 18 Planar UltraRes Series User Manual 15 Using three physically capable people carefully hang the back of the display onto the top wall mount bracket using the square brackets on...

Page 23: ...of the display As an alternative you can use the optional lift blocks along with a lift assist mech anism to lift the panel into place For details refer to Using the Lift Blocks on page 20 16 On the...

Page 24: ...el using the provided M8 x 35 pan head screws 2 Securely attach your lift mechanism to the eyehooks a Spreader bar attachment A spreader bar allows for a small lift profile and less stress on the pane...

Page 25: ...of the panel and the support lines should not be less than 45 degrees 3 Lift the panel into place 4 Detach the upper half of the lift block from the lower half by removing the two vertical screws Thi...

Page 26: ...nd Bracket The kickstand bracket is used for service mode without having to remove the display from the wall Use the following instructions to put the display in service mode 1 Loosen the captive lock...

Page 27: ...er Manual 23 2 Pull the display out and then swing the kickstands down to hold it in place The kickstands will nest into the bottom mount brackets Make sure to use both kickstands as using only one ca...

Page 28: ...e length performance may vary between different cables and sources The recommended maximum DisplayPort length is 3m for DisplayPort 1 2 and 5m for DisplayPort 1 1 HDMI cable length is recommended as f...

Page 29: ...HDBaseT receivers etc To install an OPS device remove the protective cover on the display and slide the device firmly into position When installed the OPS device will be connected internally to the d...

Page 30: ...program will have application specific 3D settings that must be set up See the specific program s user manual for instructions on application specific 3D setup Note Consult the specific graphics card...

Page 31: ...isplay 3D content you can skip this section 1 Right click on the desktop and select Catalyst Control Center 2 Select AMD FirePro then select 3D Application Settings 3 Check the Enable Quad Buffer Ster...

Page 32: ...Program Settings tab 4 In section 1 select the program for which its 3D capabilities will be used If the program is not listed click Add and search for the program s exe file 5 In section 2 use the f...

Page 33: ...Keypad The OSD keypad is located on the rear of the display OSD Keypad Buttons Key Descriptions Power Power on Power off Menu Left Decrease value Menu Right Increase value Menu Up Increase volume Menu...

Page 34: ...30 Planar UltraRes Series User Manual Remote Control Receiver The remote control receiver is located near the keypad on the rear of the display Use the IR extender cable for operating the remote from...

Page 35: ...SD ROTATION Caution Improper ventilation may shorten the life of the display Using the Display in Flat or Tilted Orientation The display is not recommended for use in flat orientation for tabletop flo...

Page 36: ...Using the Remote Control 32 Planar UltraRes Series User Manual Using the Remote Control Below is a picture of the remote control See the following page for button descriptions and Hex codes...

Page 37: ...ult address is 1785 0x06F9 binary 00000110 11111001 16 data bits eight 8 bits for the command followed by the logical inverse of the command An end pulse a modulated pulse of 0 56 ms similar to the mo...

Page 38: ...n 3 4 1785 15 0x06F90FF0 Number button 4 5 1785 16 0x06F910EF Number button 5 6 1785 17 0x06F911EE Number button 6 7 1785 20 0x06F914EB Number button 7 8 1785 25 0x06F919E6 Number button 8 9 1785 27 0...

Page 39: ...ed by the remote and accepted by the display can be configured This is useful if there are multiple Planar displays and you would like each remote to work only with one of the displays It can also be...

Page 40: ...switch is set to 3 Press the ON button on the remote or the power button on the keypad Turning the Display Off With the power on press the OFF button on the remote or the power button on the keypad t...

Page 41: ...urrent zone you can navigate through the on screen menu see page 39 Alternatively you can use the remote or keypad as described next Remote Press the Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 or Zone 4 buttons on the remo...

Page 42: ...ENU The MAIN menu appears 2 Within the menu use and ENTER to navigate through the menus and adjust options 3 Press PREV on the remote control or MENU on the keypad to return to the previous menu To ex...

Page 43: ...youts submenu refer to page 40 Note You can only use 4K 60Hz in Single mode Zone 1 Select the source displayed in Zone 1 Options HDMI 1 HDMI 2 HDMI 3 HDMI 4 DP OPS Default HDMI 1 Note If HDMI1 was sel...

Page 44: ...1 HDMI 2 HDMI 3 HDMI 4 DP OPS Default HDMI 4 Note If HDMI1 was selected as another source OPS cannot be selected If OPS was selected as another source HDMI1 cannot be selected Auto Scan Sources Select...

Page 45: ...s Series User Manual 41 PIP Select from four PiP Picture in Picture layouts The layout in orange will be the active layout displayed when the Multi Source View is set to PiP PIP Size Select the size o...

Page 46: ...s menu are saved per input The zone s corresponding input source is shown in the title bar and the graphic beneath that shows which zone is being adjusted in the current Multi Source View mode and Adv...

Page 47: ...5 Noise Reduction Turn on noise reduction processing Options Off Low Medium High Default Off Diagnostic Color Set the image to monochrome This setting is for use in adjustments to a test pattern and...

Page 48: ...1 75 1 8 1 85 1 9 1 95 2 0 2 05 2 1 2 15 2 2 2 25 2 3 2 35 2 4 2 45 2 5 2 55 2 6 2 65 2 7 2 75 2 8 Default 2 2 Aspect Ratio Set how the source is treated when the aspect ratio of the input is differen...

Page 49: ...n the title bar Options Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Default Zone 1 Note Changing the Audio Select setting via the ZONE 1 4 keys also changes the Current Zone setting Volume Set the volume of the audio...

Page 50: ...Res Series User Manual Balance Set the audio balance Range 0 100 Default 50 Enable Internal Speakers Disable or enable the built in speakers Options On Off Default On Mute Mute or unmute the audio Opt...

Page 51: ...ing settings You can save up to 10 presets using this menu more can be saved via the serial command interface If a preset is saved it will appear as Preset 1 Preset 2 and so on If it is not saved it w...

Page 52: ...d Settings Menu Panel Brightness Submenu Intensity Set the intensity of the LCD backlight Range 0 100 Default 75 Local Dimming Turn on or off the local dimming function if supported by the display Opt...

Page 53: ...er a reduced power mode if no signal is detected after the specified period of time When in this state the display will turn on when a signal is detected or when any key is pressed on the keypad or IR...

Page 54: ...address You can use the number keys on the remote to enter this information Subnet Mask The current subnet mask You can use the number keys on the remote to enter this information Default Gateway The...

Page 55: ...st keypress before the OSD menu automatically closes If set to Off the menu never automatically closes Options Off 10 Seconds 30 Seconds 60 Seconds 120 Seconds 240 Seconds Default 60 Seconds Allow Pop...

Page 56: ...s Menu 52 Planar UltraRes Series User Manual Schedule Submenu Blank Screen Color Select the color to display when there is no signal in a zone Options Black White Gray Red Green Blue Cyan Magenta Yell...

Page 57: ...time unless a DNS server is programmed This is done via the DNS Server setting in the Network menu or the serial command interface Set Event 1 Event 20 Event Enabled Turns on the event If disabled th...

Page 58: ...ogram the EDID information for the selected connector based on the selections in the EDID submenu EDID Type Set the EDID type to determine the base EDID used for the current connector 4K60 selects an...

Page 59: ...sh Rate Options Disabled Enabled Note This setting should only be enabled by advanced users Pixel Clock The value of the pixel clock in megahertz Range 0 600 00 in 0 01 increments Horizontal Blanking...

Page 60: ...Height Select the width and height of the tiled wall Default Width 1 Height 1 Unit Column Unit Row Selects the location of the current display within the tiled wall Default Column 1 Row 1 Frame Compe...

Page 61: ...play behave as indicated on page 31 When disabled the status LEDs are always turned off Options Disable Enable Default Enable MEMC Enable motion estimation motion compensation frame interpolation This...

Page 62: ...he IR remote code set accepted by the display Options 00000 65535 Default 01785 Factory Reset Return the saved settings in a system to their factory defaults Firmware Update Update the firmware for th...

Page 63: ...Menu Planar UltraRes Series User Manual 59 Information Menu System Information Submenu This menu displays version information for all programmable parts in the system It also contains the model and se...

Page 64: ...enu 60 Planar UltraRes Series User Manual Image Information Submenu This menu displays image details for the current zone If more than one zone is available you can change zones by setting the Current...

Page 65: ...ormation Menu Planar UltraRes Series User Manual 61 Error Log Submenu This menu displays a chronological list of system errors that have occurred For a list of possible errors see Error Codes on page...

Page 66: ...nality is configurable via the Touch Control setting Touchscreen MultiTouch Driver Installation 1 With the PC on plug in the USB memory stick to the USB port on your PC 2 Locate and open the USB drive...

Page 67: ...t settings Utility Diagnose Starts the MultiTouchDoctor program This can be used to troubleshoot issues with the touchscreen Options Default settings on options have the following programs enabled Tui...

Page 68: ...lling the Planar UltraRes display externally Using a serial link to send ASCII commands and to receive responses to those commands The same set of commands can be sent over RS 232 USB TCP or UDP See t...

Page 69: ...750 x x x VESA CVT 1024x768 60 48 363 65 000 x x x VESA DMT 1024x768 70 56 476 75 000 x x x VESA DMT 1024x768 75 03 60 023 78 750 x x x VESA DMT 1024x768 85 03 68 677 94 500 x x x VESA DMT 1152x864 7...

Page 70: ...1 F VIC 16 with vertical parameters doubled 2560x1440 59 951 88 787 241 500 x x x VESA CVT R 2560x1600 59 972 98 713 268 500 x x x VESA CVT R 3840x2160 24 52 438 209 750 x x x VESA CVT R 3840x2160 30...

Page 71: ...48 500 x x x SMPTE 274M CEA 861 F Format 31 1080p 60 67 500 148 500 x x x SMPTE 274M CEA 861 F Format 16 UHDTV 3840x2160 24 54 000 297 000 x x x CEA 861 F Format 93 HDMI 1 4b VIC 1 3840x2160 25 56 250...

Page 72: ...User Manual Color Subsampling Support Video Timing Input RGB 4 4 4 Supported YUV 4 4 4 Supported YUV 4 2 2 Supported YUV 4 2 0 Supported 4K 50 60 Hz DP x x x 4K 50 60 Hz HDMI 1 2 OPS x x x x 4K 50 60...

Page 73: ...o local dimming disabled 5000 1 1600 1 1400 1 1300 1 1300 1 Viewing Angle Typ 178 178 178 178 178 Response Time Typ 6ms 5ms 5ms 8ms 5ms Color Gamut 72 NTSC Display Color 1 07 billion 10 bit depth Conn...

Page 74: ...lbs 11 2 kg Portrait 19 0 8 6 kg Fanless Yes Speakers 10W x 2 built in Usage Recommended Usage All day All day 24x7 24x7 All day Backlight D LED E LED E LED D LED D LED Backlight Life 35 000 hours mi...

Page 75: ...reflective AR Glass Type 2mm Corning Gorilla Glass 3mm soda lime Touch ERO T models only Touch Technology IR Supporting OS Windows 7 8 10 Vista XP Mac OSX and Linux Item UR7551 UR7551 ERO UR7551 ERO T...

Page 76: ...Dimensions 72 Planar UltraRes Series User Manual Dimensions UR7551...

Page 77: ...UR7551 Touch Planar UltraRes Series User Manual 73 UR7551 Touch...

Page 78: ...UR8451 74 Planar UltraRes Series User Manual UR8451...

Page 79: ...UR8451 Touch Planar UltraRes Series User Manual 75 UR8451 Touch...

Page 80: ...Planar UltraRes Series User Manual 76 UR9851...

Page 81: ...UR9851 Touch Planar UltraRes Series User Manual 77 UR9851 Touch...

Page 82: ...ent issues you may encounter during the installation process or after your display has been running for some time If you are not able to solve your issue in this section please contact Planar s Techni...

Page 83: ...sted solution s If you still are not able to resolve your issue please contact Planar s Technical Support Department Symptom Can t Get PC to Output 4K 24 30 60 Hz Solution Make sure that your graphics...

Page 84: ...cards Solution If using DisplayPort make sure the connector overmold isn t too large Symptom Can t Select OPS or HDMI 1 Solution The OPS and HDMI sources cannot be viewed at the same time If your Mult...

Page 85: ...roperly Possible Cause The wired IR module may not be fully connected Solution Make sure the IR is fully connected by pressing hard to unsure it is inserted as far as possible Possible Cause The wired...

Page 86: ...es Series User Manual Accessing Planar s Technical Support Website Visit http www planar com support for the following support documents and resources User Manual RS232 User Manual Touch screen driver...

Page 87: ...source selecting 37 inputs and view menu 39 installation before you build 11 of display on a wall 12 of LCD 11 OPS expansion slot 25 safety precautions 3 introduction 1 IR codes using 33 IR commands f...

Page 88: ...tion 2 precautions 2 precautions during use 4 selecting input source 37 service plans ii signal compatibility 65 specifications 69 subsampling color 68 supported timings 65 T temporary image retention...
