DD-8+ Power
Owner’s Manual
5. Q (Bandwidth)
The “Q” expresses the width of the frequency range being manipulated, usually referred to as the bandwidth.
Directly input a value in the text box or use the slider icon or up/down arrows to select Q values from .3 to 6
with increments of 0.1. The default value is 1. A high Q setting means that only a fraction of an octave will be cut
or boosted. A low Q setting means that a whole octave or more will be cut or boosted by the EQ. You can see
the effects of the Q setting on the interactive frequency response graph above the PEQ control panel. Narrow
bandwidths are called for when you believe there is a problem at a very specific frequency such as a cabinet
resonance or bass trough or peak caused by room standing waves. Wider bandwidths are more useful for gentle
response “smoothing.” Excessively high Q settings can cause other audio artifacts that may sound worse than the
original problem. As in all things EQ, be gentle.
6. Gain
Selects the amount of dB the selected frequency range will be cut (up to -12dB) or increased (up to +12dB).
Excessive boost of high (over 2kHz) and low (under 200Hz) frequencies may damage loudspeakers. Excessive
boost of frequencies under 200Hz will put added strain on the amplifier and limit its ability to play loudly with
low distortion. Whenever possible it is better to reduce levels than to boost them in order to achieve the desired
tonal balance. Be gentle.
Figure 14. 3kHz center frequency,
Q=0.3, 10dB gain
Figure 13. 3kHz center frequency,
Q=6, 10dB gain